What is the word for a small dish served before the main meal?
What is a word that means a special price reduction on items in a store?
If you see a car crash, what phone number should you call for emergencies?
What is the name of the card you need to show at the hospital before you can see the doctor?
insurance card
What is the word for a job you do while you are a student, or working very few hours?
part-time job
What do you ask for when you want to pay at a restaurant?
the bill
When you try on clothes before buying them, where do you go?
fitting room
Fill in the blank:
"I can't find my phone. I think I _____ it somewhere."
Fill in the blank:
"I feel very ______. I think I need to see the doctor."
e.g., sick, dizzy, tired, sleepy, itchy
Fill in the blank:
"During my ______, I learned new skills at a company but was not an employee."
Some people don't eat meat or animal products. What is the word for a diet without any animal products?
"Excuse me, the price is not on this item. It doesn't have a _______ on it."
price tag
Where should you go in a mall if you lost your something?
security desk
What type of room do you go to in a hospital for an emergency?
emergency room
What is the word that means the things you must do at your job, like taking orders or helping customers?
Fill in the blank:
"Excuse me, can I have a ____? I want to order something to eat."
a return
What should you do if something was stolen from you?
e.g., Go to the police station and talk to a police officer.
Fill in the blank:
"If your body is very hot, then you probably have a ______."
What are two responsibilities of a waiter or waitress in a restaurant?"
"take orders" and "serve food"
A customer orders a burger and French fries. What else might the person want to order?
"a drink" or "dessert"
A customer buys a jacket but later realizes it is too small. What should they ask the store clerk?
"Can I exchange this for a bigger size?"
You are shopping at the mall and lost your phone. What should you say to the security officer?
What is an important skill to have if you are a school P.E. teacher or a lifeguard at the beach?
first aid
"I work a _______ so my ________ is usually from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m."
"full-time job" and "shift"