Assumed permission from an injured person who is unresponsive
What is implied consent?
You should assume this if a person is unresponsive and is not breathing/only gasping
What is cardiac arrest?
The time frame where brain damage can begin
What is 4 to 6 minutes?
A person is coughing forcefully, making high-pitched squeaking noises, and turning pale or bluish in color
What are signs and symptoms of choking?
What is an acute illness?
Unusual sounds, odors, sights, or behaviors
What are the signs of an emergency?
How you should check if an infant is responsive
What is tapping their foot?
The full name of CPR
What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
The combination used to aid an infant when they are choking
What are 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts?
The result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain that leads to temporary and involuntary changes in body movement, function, sensation, etc.
What is a seizure?
Laws that were created to encourage people to help others in an emergency situation
What are the Good Samaritan Laws?
How long you should check for responsiveness and breathing
What is 5 to 10 seconds?
This occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked
What is a heart attack?
Method to remove an object you see in the person's mouth
What is a finger sweep?
Difficulty breathing that is evidenced by shortness of breath, gasping for breath, hyperventilation, or breathing that is painful
What is respiratory distress?
Network of professionals linked together to provide the best care for people in all emergencies
What is the EMS System?
Information you should gather from interviewing a person to help determine the type of medical care they should receive, shortened into a mnemonic
What is SAMPLE?
The time frame where brain damage can become irreversible
What is 8 to 10 minutes?
How to aid a choking adult who is pregnant
What is giving only chest thrusts?
Medication taken when a person is experiencing an acute asthma attack
What is quick-relief/rescue medication?
Harmful microorganisms that can cause disease and are spread through direct or indirect contact
What is a pathogen?
The order in which you should check a young child who doesn't appear to have a life-threatening injury or illness
What is checking from toe to head?
The first step in the Pediatric Cardiac Chain of Survival
What is prevention?
If a person is doing this while choking, then you should encourage them to keep coughing instead of giving first aid
What is speaking to you or coughing forcefully?
A drug that slows or stops the effects of anaphylaxis
What is epinephrine?