Employment statistics
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Vision Impairments
Final Jeopardy

Percent of people ages 16-19 with a disability who are employed in the US

What is 27%


When using a sign language interpreter to communicate with someone who has a hearing disability make sure to do this

What is look directly at the person you are speaking to not the interpreter.


In ND the % of people with disabilities who are employed

What is 51%


When is it Ok to interact with a service animal?

What is almost never? These animals are working. Unless the person/service animal are in danger do not interact with the animal. 


ND Population

What is 788,940


Percent of people ages 20-24 in the US with a disability who are employed

What is 51.8%


Two things you should do when starting a conversation with someone who is deaf

What is get the person attention by tapping on their shoulder or waving your hand, look directly at the person when your are speaking to them, use a normal tone of voice, keep your hands and hair away from your face


In ND the % of people without disabilities who are employed

What is 84%


The appropriate response if you notice a person with a vision impairment is having a hard time navigating their way around a building.

What is politely ask if you can assist? If they say yes, ask how you can assist. Never grab a person arm, offer them your elbow and give sort simple descriptions of where you are and where you're walking.


Percent of people ages 20-24 in the US without a disability who are employed

What is 72.5%


When you dn't understand what a person with a hearing disability said what do you do? 

What is as them to repeat themselves? Don't pretend to understand when you don't. You may need to try to find another way to communicate such as writing


Percent of people with disabilities in the US ages 16-64 who are employed

What is 40%


3 modifications that would make a business more accessible to a person with a visual impairment 

What is make sure employees are aware of rights to use service animals, never interact with a working service animal, remove barriers from walkways, provide written materials in alternate formats


Percent of people 16-19 in the US without a disability who are employed

What is 37.5%


Percent of people in the US without disabilities who are employed 

What is 78%
