What is the English translation for "Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm"?
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Who is our beloved drama teacher?
Mrs. Medlock
A famous US governor from Austria.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Name the most famous energy drink.
Red Bull
How many gyms are there at the Sportgymnasium?
What's the meaning of "it's sausage?"
It doesn't matter. It's baloney.
What sport is Austria well-known for worldwide?
What is the most famous classical dance of Austria?
The Viennese Waltz
The most famous chocolate cake.
What is the current record run during the Cooper test? (12' of running)
Almost 4 km.
What's the meaning of "dancing out of the row"?
(Aus der Reihe tanzen), to step out of the line, to break ranks, to stand out
Name three famous Austrian athletes.
Alaba, Hirscher, Thiem, Hermann Meier,
What is the name of a political party that has the name of an alcoholic beverage in it?
The Bierparty (Bierpartei)
A famous company producing crystalls.
What should you always do during a toast?
Maintain eye contact with the person you toast with.
What's the meaning of "the yellow from the egg"?
It's the best of the best, it's the cherry on the cake, it't the cream of the crop
What types of sports can be found in our class?
Soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and field, softball
Which famous musician has a candy named after him?
Name the most famous wafer cookie/biscuit layered with hazelnut cream.
Who was kicked out by the barkeeper of the Jones at our Käpplefescht pre-party?
What's the meaning of " jemanden zur Schnecke machen"?
To tell someone off, to put someone down
How many teachers are currently teaching at the Sportgymnasium? (+/- 2)
About 39.
Austrians are at the top when it comes to recycling. How much of our waste is being recycled? (in %)
We recycle an average 63% of our waste, the highest percentage in Europe.
A famous producer of skis.
What was the motto of this year's prom?
Tracks off, suits on.