This consent form allows us to initiate billing for the hospice benefit.
What is The Medicare Notice of Election.
In Netsmart this is the screen you add the patient's social security number.
What is basic screen.
This is the amount of days in the first and second benefit periods ?
What is 90 days ?
This is the are of Netsmart that you add a verbal or written cert.
What is Care Plan Screen?
This certification can only be given by a physician not an ARNP and is a short narrative to support life expectancy of six months or less.
What is a certification of terminal illness or CTI ?
We need to have at least one full address and phone number in the patients chart this is where we add it.
What is family and friends screen ?
The Notice of Election must be submitted and accepted within this number of days after the admission date ?
What is 5 days ?
On a readmit we only add a line on this screen if something has changed we never delete the dates.
What is demographic screen ?
These are the four levels of care with the Hospice Medicare Benefit.
What are Routine Home Care, Continuous Care, Respite Care and General Inpatient Care ?
These two areas both have to be at 100% in order for a full synch to come through.
What are Care plan charting and the assessment.