What town/city did Chelsea grow up in?
The capital of this state is Boston
What is Massachusettes?
who sings “play it again”
luke bryan
On this popular website YOU can upload and watch videos.
What is youtube?
What is Daniel Arellano’s middle name?
Trick question he doesn’t have one!
The capital of Idaho
What is Orofino?
What song has 6.7 billion views on YouTube as of April 2020
Which “technical” planet is the farthest from the sun?
What is Neptune?
but we all know it’s actually Pluto
What website did this game template come from?
What is jeopardy labs?
What is Alli’s soon to be last name?
What state does the fictional television show The Office take place in?
who sings “he stopped loving her today”
George Jones
You should never give this to strangers in chat rooms
What is personal information?
How many states has Mary lived in?
What state is the town “old dime box” located?
What is Texas?
what is chelsea’s favorite song
In what year was the internet created?
What is 1969?
What Chelsea’s enneagram number?
7 !!
What state was The Great Molasses Flood in?
what is the song “the story of tonight” from?
Hamilton an American musical