Who is our current president?
Who is President Trump?
The main character's in this book are Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy.
What is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
The capital of this state is Austin
What is Texas?
In this series, a young man, who happens to be the son of Posideon, must restore peace to the world.
What is The Lightening Theif.
The capital of California
What is Sacramento?
The narrator in this personal narrative talks about how he came to have his own personal body guard, or as he described it: "my own, personal, nuclear weapon."
What is The Catcher and the Rye?
In this novel, a young adult must learn to survive in the wilderness.
What is Hatchet
The state next to us is
What is New York?
Where do we live?
What is Massachusettes.