We live on this planet.
What is Earth?
A way of virtually sending letters back and forth through cyberspace.
What is e-mail?
Who stared is Beauty and The Beast?
What is: Emma Watson
What is: Dan Stevens
What is Luke Evans
What is:Emma Watson
True or False, Sumbals dream bedroom theme is
A: PAstel
B: Gothic
C: Pretty Princess
D: Galaxy
A: Pastel :D
Name all the husband's names of the Disney Princesses
Aladin Phillip Adam Shang Naveen
Florian Charming Kristoff
Eugine Eric
All of the above
True or False
If someone out of all 4 of the siblings what does she do?
A: Make a scene B: Punch them C:Scream
A: Make a scene
Which princess was a maid when her parents passed away and found a better life?
We all love the internet and our devices but there are too people in the house who have them in their hands 24/7.
C: Haleemah
A: Rocky
WHich princess lives in the year 1617?
What is Pocahontas
True or False
But we all do it early in the day who cleans it earlier? A: Rocky waits till 1-4 house B: Haleemah waits from 1-5 C: Tayyibah Eh? D: Saleem waits till dinners being made E: Sumbal waits till there are a few things in the sink and one the counters then wash and take care of them.
What is Sumbal
One of the princess's lived with the 7?
What is snow white
If Tayyibah would be the oldest what would she be the bossiest with? A: Having us do her chores B: Having us feed her C: having us clean her room
All of the Above