Jesus birthday
What is Christmas
A Princess of Amazon and her weapon is the Lasso of Truth
What is Wonder Woman
A game where you fight zombie like creatures with guns
What is Fortnite
Prime ministers name
What is Keith Rowely
St. Michal the ark angle defend us in this battle
What is the St. Michal prayer
A man that lived on a planet and has the power of strengh laser beans and flight
What is Superman
Game where you build with blocks
What is Minecraft
The Trinidad cricket team
What is Knight Riders
When we receive Jesus
What is communion
Has the power of 100 men
What is Hulk
Game where you Dance to different songs
What is Just Dance
Together we aspire Together we achieve
What is the Trinidad motto
A day that we get ashes to
What is Ash Wednesday
Cousin of super man
What is Super girl
Game that has imposters
What is Among us
Prime ministers daughter
What Sonel Rowely
When you go to tell Jesus all of your sins
What is Confession
Super hero that doesn't have super powers but uses technology to fight bad guys
What is Batman
game where you connect candy
What is Candy Crush
Where do we live?
What is Trinidad