motion calculations
graphing your motion
work power and horses
electricity and no more cling
I travel east 3 km then south 5 km, what is my displacement?
What is sqrt (9+25) = sqrt 34 = 5.83 km
A 2.5 kg book is lifted to a height of 6 meters. Its potential energy (PE) is _______
What is (2.5 x 6 x 9.8) = 147 Joules
Draw a velocity vs time graph showing constant increasing acceleration
What is a straight line with positive slope with v on y-axis and t on x-axis
A 50 kg box is moved 5 meters. How much work is done?
What is 1) you must change kg to N first 50 x 9.8 = 490 N 2) then 490 x 5 = 2450 J
an electrical charge that is not moving
What is static charge
My drag racer moves off the starting line and has a velocity of 125 m/s after 5 seconds What is the dragster's acceleration
What is (125 - 0)/5 = 25 m/s/s
A 4000 kg roller coaster is moving at a speed of 28 m/s. How much kinetic energy does it possess?
What is 1/2 x 4000 x (28 x 28)= 1,568,000 joules
draw a vel vs time graph of zero acceleration
What is a horizontal line with v on y-axis and t on x-axis
How much power is developed lifting a 30 N object 20 meters in 6 seconds
What is (30 x 20)/6 = 100 Watts
charge that is passed from a charged object to a non-charged object by touching
What is conduction
How long would it take a truck accelerating at 3 m/s/s to travel from 4 m/s to 38 m/s?
What is t = (38 - 4) / 3 = 11.33 seconds
My weight on Earth is 1400 N. What will my weight be on Planet X is if its gravitational constant is 3.4 N/kg
What is 1) 1400/9.8 = 142 kg (mass on Earth) F/g = mass 2) 142 x 3.4 = 483 N F= m x g
graph of position vs time with a negative slope of the object starting quickly and then slows down
What is a graph with p on y-axis and t on x-axis with line with steep slope that gradually levels off. (starting point is higher than end point)
Jack 600 N and Jill 500 N weight both run up a 30 meter hill in 9 seconds. What is their total power?
What is 600 + 500 = 1100 N (F) x 30 m (d) = 33000 J/9 seconds = 3666.7 Watts
charge that is passed from a charged object to a non-charged object without touching
What is induction
What is the velocity after 11 seconds of an object falling in a vacuum?
What is delta v = g x t = 9.8 x 11 = 107.8 m/s
A 25 kg rock on the top of a 70 meter building is pushed of the building. What is its kinetic energy just before it hits the ground?
What is 70 x 9.8 x 25 = 17150 J
graph of position vs time with a negative slope of the object starting slowly and then increasing velocity
What is What is a graph with p on y-axis and t on x-axis with line with gradual slope that increases the slope. (starting point is higher than end point)
I move a 3000 N mass 30 meters in 30 seconds. How much HP do I develop?
What is 1) P = W/t (3000 x 30)/ 30 = 3000 Watts 2) W/746 = HP = 3000/746 = 4.02 HP
My circuit has a current of 10 amps and a resistance of 5 ohms. What is the voltage in the circuit?
What is V= I x R = 10 x 5 = 50 volts
what is the final velocity after 5 seconds of a car that has an initial velocity of 3 m/s, accelerating at 4 m/s/s.
What is (a*t) + initial vel = 5*4 + 3 = 23 m/s
A bicycle rider moving at 8 m/s produces a kinetic energy of 1850 Joules while rolling down a hill. What is the rider's mass?
What is (1850 x 2)/64 = 57.8 kg
graph of position vs time of constant decreasing speed followed by standing still at the 1 meter position
What is negative slope 45 degree straight line followed by horizontal line at 1 meter
I am curling a 15 kg weight. My partner measures my up curl and finds the measurement to be 40 cm. He also times my 10 reps and finds I complete them in 13 seconds. How much power do I develop
What is 15 x 9.8 = Force = 147 N W=147N x .8M = 117.6 J 40 +40 cm -->meters = 0.8 10 x Work = total work = 10 x 117.6 = 1176 J power = W/t = 1176/13 = 90 Watts