Name two things you need to start a business.
Money (capital) and an idea!
If you are depressed and nothing is going right lately, what is the fastest way to get help? Hint: It is free!
Talk with your guidance counselor!
If your last name begins with letters A-M, you have Ms. Walsh
N-Z, you have Mr. Singh
Who, in this room would like to be famous one day?
Why is no food allowed in classrooms?
To protect people with food allergies.
To prevent getting pests (ants and other creep-crawly things)
What is Miss Jones' favorite kind of music?
What is the name for a business owner when we are talking about economics?
What is the best thing to do if you hear someone talking about suicide (killing themselves)?
Talk to them calmly and kindly. Together you can work it out.
Immediately go to a guidance counselor, here at school, or tell a trusted adult (teacher, guardian).
Immediately go to a guidance counselor, here at school, or tell a trusted adult (teacher, guardian).
Who would like to be an engineer?
When making a claim, you must support it with . . .
evidence from the text
What seems to be one of Miss Jones' favorite color?
What is it called when one business controls a whole industry? Hint: This is also a board game.
A monopoly.
mono = one
poly = many
So one business or person owns an entire industry.
Some people have mood swings. One morning they may be very happy, even hyper. In the afternoon, they may be very depressed. What condition is this called?
Bipolar disorder.
Who would like to be The Boss of the Universe?
What are some of the things you need for Monday (when we start testing)
wired headphones in a plastic sandwich bag
charged, school-issued chromebook
water bottle
Does Miss Jones have any grandchildren?
If Ms. Ruocco would start her own business would it be:
a theater group
a singing group
Ms. Ruocco does not want to start her own business.
Ms. Ruocco does not want to start her own business.
Some people talk a lot and can't seem to stop. They may also fidget and daydream in class. This isn't always the case, but what condition could this be?
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder.
Who may turn out to be a writer and artist?
Hint: A business partner would be involved.
Annalise and Tyrone!
How else should you prepare for testing?
Dress in layers
eat a good breakfast
How would Miss Jones like to be treated in class?
With respect!