He is square and his pants are square.
Sponge Bob
This candy is chewy, comes in many colors and has an S on it.
This mammal swims in the ocean in groups called pods.
Toy bricks that you can build with.
What are legos
You should never do this around a pool.
Run around or try to push people.
He has big ears, tiny nose, and loves carrots.
Bugs Bunny
This candy is as light and as fluffy as the clouds.
What is cotton candy?
This animal only comes out at night and is rumored to suck blood.
A toy car with fun, exciting,and cool roads
What are Hot Wheels
The purpose of a lifeguard is?
To keep everyone safe
he owner of Buzz and Woody.
Who is Andy
What do you do if you are OUTSIDE during an earthquake?
Stay away from trees or objects that can fall on you.
If there is an earthquake and you are inside your room what do you do?
Cover your head. Go under the table.
Games you can play online with friends.
computer games or video games
If a stranger tells you to go with them what do you do?
Walk away. Find mom or brother.
In Lego movie Bad Cop uses this goo to freeze his parents in place.
The Kragul
Who do you call incase of an emergency?
What do you do if you are OUSTIDE and lightning happens?
Find shelter inside a building or in a car.
A squishy and soft toy made of flour, water, and salt.
What is Play Doh
What do you do if your clothes are on fire?
In this cartoon series a cat and mouse fight each other.
Tom and Jerry
This candy pops in your mouth when you eat it.
What are Pop Rocks?
How do fires start sometimes?
Playing with matches. Cooking accidents. Electric fires.
a toy pony that has many colours
What is my little pony
What do you do if you get lost in the store?
Find the store clerk or a security gaurd.