In DBFZ the best Zoner in the game is...
OG Broly
Fallen Kingdom is a Mincraft Parody of...
Coldplay/Viva la vida
In sonic music history what is the 1 band that still has done music for sonic games?
Crush 40
Recently the worst 3d animated anime in history is called...
Patrick Seitz (Ragnas VA) does the for a Character in Granblue Fantasy Vs
Who is it?
Melee players are memed about never being...
A beautiful song in HollowKnight can be found in City of...
A cut transformation originating from Sonic X has had a revival as a fan made character called...
177013 is the number for...
The VA for Shallot in the DBFZ game is a Youtuber called...
In Wifu Tag Battle, the #13 Colors are a refrence to...
Western media
FLOW did the opening #6 of one of the big 3 anime's called...
Naruto Shippuden
Silver is known to be one of the most unfair bossfights in...
Sonic O6
in Nier Atomata 2b is a refrence to...
2 be or not to be
A famous actor wanted to do the voice for Doomfist
in the steam charts for 2020 it is shown that the #1 fighting game is...
Devil Trigger recieved an orchestral style cover for the game...
In the Sonic archie comics it is revealed that Sonic's real name is...
Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog
In the Persona 5 in order to have a confidante with Makoto you must have a high...
The VA for Zuko also voiced a character in a disney show and his name is...
Jake long/American Dragon
Iori Yagami's occupation is...
In Great Pretender the outro is called...
Great Pretender
Shadows Favorite anime is...
Kill la Kill
The real name of Master Chief is...
The voice for the Quantom Ranger in Battle for the Grid is more comenly known to voice a character for a popular Capcom franchise