The ending for ‘je’ when conjugating ER verbs.
The ending for ‘je’ when conjugating IR verbs
Je --> is
Is the verb ALLER an ‘IR’ or 'ER' verb?
The ending for ‘je’ when conjugating RE verbs.
Put this sentence in the negative: Je mange une pomme.
Je ne mange pas une pomme.
The ending for TU when conjugating ER verbs.
The ending for ‘tu’ when conjugating IR verbs.
tu--> is
The ending for ‘vous’ when conjugating IR verbs.
The ending for ‘il’ when conjugating RE verbs.
Make this sentence a question using the tone of your voice: Tu lis le journal.
Tu lis le journal?
The ending for il/elle when conjugating ER verbs.
The ending for Ils/elles with IR verbs
Which one is an ER verb: marcher or finir?
The ending for ‘nous’ when conjugating RE verbs.
Make this into a question by adding an expression at the beginning: Vous étudiez le français.
Est-ce que vous étudiez le français?
What does "chanter" mean?
to sing
The ending for ‘nous’ when conjugating IR verbs.
Conjugate “tu” with verbe “Marcher”?
You must spell your answer out loud.
tu marches
Conjugate “vous” with verbe “Perdre”.
vous perdez
Put this sentence in the negative.
J'apprends le francais.
Je n'apprends pas le francais.
The ending for nous when conjugating ER verbs.
The ending for ‘vous’ when conjugating IR verbs.
What is the root of the verb “finir”?
Conjugate répondre with 'ils'
Ils répondent
Make this sentence a question by adding est-ce que.
La classe finit la presentation demain.
Est-ce que la classe finit la presentation demain?