What is 10?
What are freckles?
A shape like a circle.
What is an oval?
"Amazing ______, how sweet the sound."
What is grace?
The red planet is also known as __________.
What is Mars?
What is 2?
What is turtle?
Atlantic and Pacific are both these.
What are oceans?
"She'll be coming around the __________, when she comes!"
What is mountain?
H2O is the chemical symbol for __________.
What is water?
What is 225?
What is shadow?
A sea creature with eight tenticles.
What is an octopus?
"The sun will come out, ____________."
What is tomorrow?
The study of life is also known as this term.
What is biology?
1,001 + 476=
What is 1,477?
What is phone?
You use this type of oil to cook.
What is olive oil?
"Tea for _____ and two for tea."
What is two?
The Theory of Relativity was discovered by this scientist.
Who was Albert Einstein?
What is -1,000?
What is elephant?
An award show that celebrates Hollywood films on a yearly basis.
What are the Oscars?
"Oh when the ________, come marchin' in!"
What are saints?
True or false: Electrons are smaller than atoms.
What is true?