True or False
Anger Iceberg
Calm Down Strategies
Mastering Your Mind and Emotions

True or False: Anger is just about feeling mad.

Answer: False! Anger is the tip of the iceberg; there’s often something deeper underneath like hurt, frustration, or sadness.


When we get angry, what is the part that everyone usually sees?

The tip of the iceberg—things like yelling, stomping, or slamming doors.


Let’s do Color Breathing! Sit up straight, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in, imagining your favorite color filling you up. Now, breathe out slowly, imagining a calming color, like blue or green, washing over you. Do this for 5 breaths. How do you feel after?

Color breathing helps calm your mind by using colors to focus on relaxation.


True or False: Emotion Mind means you feel a lot of strong feelings and act quickly based on them.

Answer: True! Emotion Mind is when your feelings take charge and sometimes make you act without thinking.


I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but you can’t go outside. What am I?

Answer: A keyboard!


True or False: When you’re angry, it’s helpful to understand what’s under the surface.

Answer: True! Figuring out what’s going on inside can help you manage anger better.


True or False: The tip of the iceberg (our outward reactions) is usually the whole story of why we're angry.

False! There’s a lot more going on underneath, like feelings and thoughts that we don’t always notice.


When you feel angry, try telling yourself something kind like ‘I can handle this,’ or ‘I will feel better soon.’ How do you feel when you think something positive instead of focusing on the anger?"

Answer: Positive thoughts help you feel stronger and remind you that you can get through the anger.


True or False: The Inner Critic is the voice inside your head that says nice things like "You're awesome!"

Answer: False! The Inner Critic is the voice that says negative things, like "You can’t do it" or "You're not good enough."


I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

Answer: A candle!


True or False: You can control your emotions like getting angry.

False! Emotions, like anger, can pop up unexpectedly, just like the weather. However, we can recognize when we're in the "yellow zone" and take steps to handle our anger before it gets into the "red zone" (when it's harder to control).


What does it mean to explore your anger iceberg?

Answer: It means looking at what’s underneath your anger, like the feelings, thoughts, or situations that might be causing it.


Challenge: Time for Smell the Flower, Blow Out the Candle! Sit comfortably and take a deep breath in like you're smelling a flower. Then, slowly breathe out as if you're blowing out a candle. Do this 3 times, paying attention to how your breath slows down. How does this help you feel more calm?

Answer: This helps focus on your breath and calm your nervous system when you’re feeling upset


True or False: The Yellow Zone means you're calm and happy.

Answer: False! The Yellow Zone means you're starting to feel a little upset, frustrated, or anxious.


What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

A clock!


True or False: We have more control over how we react to anger than when it happens.

Answer: True! Although we can’t always stop anger from happening, we can choose how we respond to it. By using coping strategies and calming techniques, we can handle anger in a way that helps us feel better and keeps the situation from getting worse.


What’s something you can do to understand what’s under the surface of your anger and deal with it better?

Answer: Use coping skills, like deep breathing or taking a break, and think about the feelings underneath your anger to understand why you're upset.


Let's Play a Game: Statue to Breakdancer!

Statue Time: "Pretend you’re a statue—stand super still like you’re made of stone! Now, squeeze your muscles tight, like you’re frozen in place. Hold it for a few seconds, and really feel how stiff your body gets. Now, imagine you’re a breakdancer! Let your body go soft and loose. Start moving your arms, legs, and even spin around like you’re dancing. 

Why is this helpful?

Answer: "Practicing clenching and releasing is helpful because it teaches you how to calm your body down when you're feeling angry. By focusing on your body and how it feels when you tense up and then let go, you're able to take a pause from the anger. This pause gives you a moment to make a wise choice about how to react, instead of letting your anger take over. It helps you feel more in control of your body and emotions.


True or False: The Inner Coach is the voice inside your head that cheers you on, saying, "You’ve got this!"

Answer: True! The Inner Coach helps you feel confident and positive.


I’m not alive, but I grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?

Answer: Fire!


Anger should never be felt.

False! Anger is a normal and natural emotion. It's how we deal with anger that matters. It's okay to feel angry, but it's important to manage it in healthy ways.


What percentage of an iceberg is visible above the surface of the water?

Answer: About 10%! The rest is hidden underwater.


True or False: "It is pointless to practice coping skills and calm-down strategies when you are calm and in the green zone."

Answer: False! Practicing coping skills when you're calm and in the green zone is really important. It helps you get better at using those skills when you're upset or angry. The more you practice, the easier it will be to use them in tough situations!


True or False: Reasonable Mind is the best place to be because it thinks about facts and what makes sense. It avoids emotions, which is important for making the best decisions.

False! Reasonable Mind is helpful for thinking clearly, but it doesn't always take your feelings into account. To make the best decisions, it's important to also listen to your emotions and use your Wise Mind, which helps you balance both clear thinking and feelings!


I can be cracked, I can be made, I can be told, I can be played. What am I?

Answer: A joke!
