Not sharing your password is one way to ________ Cyberbullying
these are instilled in our heads from birth (hence, pink is for girls and blue is for boys), ideals of romance and love is also depicted.
Gender Roles
s a cyberbullying tactic that includes the public display, posting or forwarding of personal communication, images or video by the cyberbully that is personal and private to the target child.
a cyberbullying tactic that is highly effective and directly targets a child’s developmental need to feel accepted and part of a social construct.
intentionally killing of one person by another.
In some situations, cyber bullying is considered?
Bad mouthing through social networking sites, text messages, IMs, or other forms of technology
Digital Disrespect
tends to be mild cyberbullying or gossip that was not thought to be shared on a social or a “flame war” that terminates after a few messages.
Cyber Drama
a national teen dating abuse helpline dedicated to ensuring not only the safety of teens in dating relationships but also making sure that teens are educated on the issue surrounding dating abuse/violence.
Love is respect
________ is the threat of or actual use of physical force against oneself or another person.
Online bullying can be particularly damaging and upsetting because it at times can be _________ or hard to trace.
The core of dating abuse is?
Power and Control
a cyberbullying tactic describing when a cyberbully creates a blog with the target person being the central subject and topic of blog posts.
Every __ ____ someone in the U.S dies from a gunshot wound.
18 minutes
Rate of violence is highest in _______ _______ ________ where unemployment rates are high.
Poor Urban Communities
What is cyberbullying?
the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.
A pattern of controlling behavior that someone uses against a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
Dating abuse
communicating physical threats against the target person or anyone the target person is dependent upon in their daily lives.
Cyber stalking
A new type of cyberbullying that integrates the rapid increase of online videos with classic bullying. This occurs when a target child or unsuspecting victim is physically attacked or embarrassed in person and then an accomplice video records or takes pictures of the incident.
________ is the person who is attacked
______ _________ and harassment can be easier to commit than other acts of bullying because the bully doesn't have to confront his or her target in person.
Online bulling
Approximately __ in __ high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner.
1 in 5
Chat rooms, “virtual” rooms, online forums and message boards. Within these social exchange sites, children disseminate and exchange information they deem important, socially relevant or noteworthy for their peers to view, comment on and share with other peers.
after every abusive incident comes a make-up honeymoon phase.
The cycle of abuse
a person who attacks another person.