The value of 104
What is 10,000
The opposite of 0
What is 0
The capital of Delaware
All matter is made of this
What are tiny particles called atoms and molecules
The number of houses at Hogwarts (from the Harry Potter series)
What is 4
The value of (8 x 7) x 106
What is 56,000,000
The absolute value of |-5|
What is 5
The capital of Pennsylvania
What is Harrisburg
Describe the molecules that make up a solid
What is packed closely together and are not free to move; hold their shape; vibrate in a fixed position
The number of days in a year (not a leap year)
The value of 93 x 76 is:
What is 7,068
The GCF (greatest common factor) of 20 and 48
What is 4
The capital of New Jersey
What is Trenton
Describe the molecules that make up a liquid
What is close together, but able to move freely; take on shape of the container they are in
The SCDS mascot
What is a Lion
The value of 957 x 243 is:
What is 232,551
The LCM (least common multiple) of 9 and 12
What is 36
The capital of the United States of America
What is Washington, D.C.
Describe molecules that make up a gas
What is in constant motion, often bumping into each other; spread apart; do not have a definite shape or volume
The year that Arizona became part of the United States
Find the value
3 x {[(12 - 8) x 2] + [(11 - 9) x 3]}
What is 42
Classify -12 on the Venn Diagram (what categories does it belong in)
What is integers and rational numbers
The number of states that start with the letter B
What is 0
Increasing ___________ means increasing __________ in the particles.
What is energy and movement
The number of continents on Earth
What is 7