Name That story
Family TV
Winter Food
Food Tips

Glass slipper and a step mother?



Thurston Howell III wife name on Gilligan's Island?



3 children delivered by the same mother?



A giant oven baked hamburger made with bread crumbs and eggs



What would ripen hard peaches in 24-48 hours?

Brown Paper Bag


Girl named Dorothy, yellow brick road, and a tin man?

Wizard of OZ


Father figure on Petticoat Junction?

Uncle Joe

occupation of the three men in a tub?

butcher, baker, candlestick maker


A one dish meal, bake and serve? Examples: Tuna Noodle or Chicken and Rice



To ripen Bananas now do this for 30 seconds?



A Witch, 7 little men, and a poisonous apple?

Snow White


Who is Oliver Wendell Douglas Wife on Green Acres?

Lisa Douglas or Eva Gabor


big bad wolf blew down this house?

3 little pigs staw house


A classic French Soup topped with Cheese?

French Onion Soup


Squeeze a little of this over cut fruit to keep from browning?

Lemon Juice


Tiny Tim, ghosts, and a man named Ebenezer Scrooge?

A Christmas Carol


George Jefferson's nickname for wife Louise



3 men that followed star across the desert?

3 wisemen


Winter Dish featuring Beans, Tomato Sauce, Ground Beef, and Spices?



A way to tell in water if an egg is good?

See if it sinks, if it floats its bad


A Grandmother, a red cape, and a Wolf?

Little Red Riding Hood


smart child on Family Ties?

Family Ties

Are YOU Smarter than a 5th Grader? ... Theme Song Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Cause there's gonna be a test later Tell your teachers, now you're back in school Are you smarter than you used to be? Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Grab a pencil and a piece of paper Tell your teachers, now you're back in school Are you smarter than you used to be? ... Question # Question ANSWER 1 3rd Grade Geography ~ What is the Capital of Massachussets? ANSWER 1 2 2nd Grade Health ~ True or False? The Small Intestine is longer than the Large Intestine? ANSWER 2 3 3rd Grade Astronomy ~ What is another name for the North Star? Alpha Centauri, Polaris, or Sirius? ANSWER 3 4 1st Grade Social Studies ~ 5 of the U.S. Federal Holidays fall on what day of the week? ANSWER 4 5 1st Grade Animal Science ~ What is the Largest Animal in the World? ANSWER 5 6 2nd Grade Social Studies ~ According to the U.S. Constitution, the President is part of what branch of the U.S. Government? ANSWER 6 7 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the Supplementary Angle to an Angle of 40 degrees? ANSWER 7 8 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the Reciprocal of 3/4? ANSWER 8 9 1st Grade Spelling ~ How many of the words for 1-10 have 5 letters? ANSWER 9 10 3rd Grade History ~ What U.S. State did the Civil War Gettysburg battle take place? ANSWER 10 11 1st Grade Earth Science ~ Daylight Savings Time incorporates what Season in its' entirety? ANSWER 11 12 2nd Grade Health ~ Typical people have how many baby teeth as kids? 20, 24 or 48? ANSWER 12 13 2nd Grade Measurements ~ How many meters in a kilometer? ANSWER 13 14 1st Grade Grammar ~ What is the root word of the word "LONGEST"? ANSWER 14 15 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ In terms of land area, what is the smallest U.S. State? ANSWER 15 16 4th Grade U.S. History ~ What is the 1st name of former U.S. President Taylor? ANSWER 16 17 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ How many legs does a butterfly have? ANSWER 17 18 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the numeric value of the roman numeral "L"? ANSWER 18 19 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ How many Justices serve on the U.S. Supreme Court? ANSWER 19 20 2nd Grade Measurements ~ If March 1st falls on a Wednesday, what day does April 1st fall on? ANSWER 20 21 5th Grade World Geography ~ The Strait of Magellan runs through the southern tip of what continent? ANSWER 21 22 3rd Grade English ~ What is the Simple Past Tense of the verb "drink"? ANSWER 22 23 5th Grade Earth Science ~ What element comprises the majority of the Earth's atmosphere? ANSWER 23 24 US HISTORY ~ Who was the 1st U.S. Secretary of the Treasury? ANSWER 24 25 1st Grade Grammar ~ True or False? The word "monsters" is the subject of the following sentence. "The idea of monsters living under his bed kept Kyle awake at night." ANSWER 25 26 2nd Grade Measurements ~ Jacob left his home for school at 7:45 a.m. and arrived back home at 3:45 p.m., how many hours was he gone? ANSWER 26 27 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ The female of what animal is called a EWE? ANSWER 27 28 3rd Grade U.S. Geography ~ The following is an outline of what U.S. State? ANSWER 28 29 4th Grade World Geography ~ BERN is the capital of what European country? ANSWER 29 30 3rd Grade Astronomy ~ True or False? Light is the only thing that can escape a black hole ANSWER 30 31 5th Grade U.S. History ~ What man who later became U.S. President represented the U.S. Soldiers who were on trial for the Boston Massacre? ANSWER 31 32 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the sum of 11.5 and negative 14? ANSWER 32 33 5th Grade Literature ~ Mark Twain is the pseudonym of what famous American author who wrote "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" ANSWER 33 34 MATHEMATICS ~ What is the only prime number that is a factor of 16? ANSWER 34 35 1st Grade Art ~ The 3 secondary colors are Green, Purple and what other color? ANSWER 35 36 1st Grade Music ~ Which of the following instruments is part of the PERCUSSION family? Viola, Xylophone, Bassoon? ANSWER 36 37 2nd Grade Grammar ~ How many singular nouns are in the following sentence? "Jeff went to the park to see the flock of seagulls."? ANSWER 37 38 3rd Grade Geography ~ True/False? The Equator passes through the southern tip of North America ANSWER 38 39 2nd Grade Vocabulary ~ What word starting with the letter Q can mean both a spike on a porcupine and a bird feather used as a pen? ANSWER 39 40 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What whole number is closest to the square root of 50? ANSWER 40 41 4th Grade World History ~ What is the name for the form of picture writing used by the ancient Egyptians? ANSWER 41 42 5th Grade Science ~ What do plants lose during the process of "transpiration"? Roots, Water Vapor or Seeds? ANSWER 42 43 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ In what U.S. State is the Lincoln home National Historic Site located? ANSWER 43 44 1st Grade Grammar ~ What word is the subject of the following sentence "The spaceship landed in Jacob's back yard"? ANSWER 44 45 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ The United Nations Headquarters are in what city? ANSWER 45 46 1st Grade Measurements ~ True/False.....In a leap year, there are more days in Jan/Feb combined than in Nov/Dec combined ANSWER 46 47 2nd Grade Literature ~ Which is a fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson? The Duchess and the Door The Princess and the Pea The Lady and the Lion ANSWER 47 48 4th Grade Science ~ Which subatomic particle is NOT contained within the nucleus of an atom? Proton, Neutron, or Electron ANSWER 48 49 4th Grade Mathematics ~ If a car is traveling 40 mph, How long does it take to drive 190 miles? ANSWER 49 50 1st Grade English ~ How many nouns are in the following sentence? "The rabbit ran to the cafeteria and ate a really big salad." ANSWER 50 51 3rd Grade Measurements ~ What unit of measurement is abbreviated "oz."? ANSWER 51 52 2nd Grade Health ~ True/False.....The human shoulder is a ball & socket joint? ANSWER 52 53 3rd Grade Life Science ~ Which of the following is a mammal? Sea Horse, Sea Lion or Sea Urchin? ANSWER 53 54 2nd Grade World Geography ~ Which Continent is the least populated? ANSWER 54 55 4th Grade Social Studies ~ Since the late 1930's, what calendar date has been designated for the inauguration of the U.S. President? ANSWER 55 56 5th Grade Astronomy ~ In the initials of the federal agency N.A.S.A., what does the first A stand for? ANSWER 56 57 5th Grade U.S. History ~ What Revolutionary Leader wrote the influential pamphlet "COMMON SENSE" in 1776? ANSWER 57 58 5th Grade Astronomy ~ What was the name of the first satellite that the United States sent into space? ANSWER 58 59 1st Grade Animal Science ~ A group of wolves is a "pack", what is a group of Lions called? ANSWER 59 60 2nd Grade Earth Science ~ True/False?...All snowflakes are 10-sided geometric figures. ANSWER 60 61 1st Grade Mathematics ~ Kyle has $2.00 in change, all in dimes and nickels. If he has 13 dimes, how many nickels does he have? ANSWER 61 62 4th Grade Geography ~ The majority of Yellowstone National Park lies within what U.S. State? ANSWER 62 63 5th Grade Life Science ~ In the human body, the adrenal glands are located directly above what organ? ANSWER 63 64 1st Grade Social Studies ~ Irving Berlin wrote what patriotic anthem that contains the words "Stand Beside her and Guide Her"? ANSWER 64 65 1st Grade Spelling ~ When reciting the alphabet in order, the 4th consonant you'll say is what? ANSWER 65 66 2nd Grade World Geography ~ France borders what ocean? ANSWER 66 67 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True/False?...Every adult rhinoceros has exactly one horn ANSWER 67 68 3rd Grade U.S. Geography ~ What state's nickname is "The Show Me State"? ANSWER 68 69 2nd Grade Social Studies ~ What man who would later be President was the Commander in Chief of the American Army during the U.S. Revolutionary War? ANSWER 69 70 3rd Grade Earth Science ~ Which of the following scales is used to measure Earthquake intensity? a. The Richter Scale b. The Saffin-Simpson Scale c. The Fujita Scale ANSWER 70 71 4th Grade Mathematics ~ How many numbers between 10 and 20 are perfect SQUARES? ANSWER 71 72 4th Grade Astonomy ~ Approximately how long does it take for the moon to make one orbit once around the earth? a. One Day b. One Month c. One Year ANSWER 71 73 5th Grade Measurements ~ How many Pecks are in a Bushel? ANSWER 73 74 1st Grade Science ~ Which of the following foods has seeds on the inside? a. Orange b. Potato c. carrot ANSWER 74 75 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...Chickens are cold blooded animals ANSWER 75 76 3rd Grade World History ~ True or False?...Vikings (Norsemen) originated in Scandanavia ANSWER 76 77 4th Grade World Geography ~ What country borders Spain to the west? ANSWER 77 78 2nd Grade Mathematics ~ If Jacob always goes bowling 3 times per week, How many times does he bowl in 11 weeks? ANSWER 78 79 5th Grade U.S. Geography ~ Completed in 1825, what man-made waterway in NY State connects the Hudson River to the Great Lakes? ANSWER 79 80 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ What U.S. State was named after a King of England? ANSWER 80 81 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...All birds are mammals ANSWER 81 82 4th Grade U.S. History ~ In what decade did James Marshall discover gold nuggets, sparking the famous California "Gold Rush"? ANSWER 82 83 4th Grade World Geography ~ Mt. Kilimanjaro is located in what continent? ANSWER 83 84 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ True or False?...Vermont was one of the original 13 colonies? ANSWER 84 85 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ The U.S. State of Indiana borders which Great Lake? ANSWER 85 86 1st Grade Spelling ~ The names of how many days of the week do NOT start with T or S? ANSWER 86 87 1st Grade Geography ~ True or False?...Including Alaska and Hawaii, there are more U.S. States bordering the Pacific Ocean than the Atlantic Ocean ANSWER 87 88 2nd Grade Vocabulary ~ What word can mean both "An Instrument used to draw circles" and also "a device used for determining direction"? ANSWER 88 89 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ Cows gather in herds, what do Ants gather in? ANSWER 89 90 3rd Grade Mathematics ~ An Isosceles Triangle has how many equal sides? ANSWER 90 91 3rd Grade Life Sciences ~ Russett and Yukon Gold are varieties of what vegetable? ANSWER 91 92 4th Grade World Geography ~ Mount Everest is located in what mountain range? a. Andes b. Alps c. Himalayas ANSWER 92 93 4th Grade Social Studies ~ According to Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, what government official of the Executive Branch also serves as President of the Senate? ANSWER 93 94 5th Grade History ~ What former U.S. President was also the 1st American to win the Nobel Peace Prize? ANSWER 94 95 3rd Grade Grammar ~ The sentence "Alana always ate anchovies" is an example of which of the following? a. Future Tense b. Alliteration c. Compound Sentence ANSWER 95 96 2nd Grade Measurements ~ If Jacob stands on Spencer's shoulders, they are 2 1/2 yeards high. How many feet is that? ANSWER 96 97 1st Grade Grammar ~ What is the abbreviation in the following sentence? "Mr. Foxworthy was voted teacher of the year." ANSWER 97 98 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ Alana went on a trip to the Everglades, what U.S. State did she visit? ANSWER 98 99 2nd Grade Astronomy ~ True or False?...The Planet Jupiter has a larger mass than Earth ANSWER 99 100 2nd Grade World Geography ~ What city is the capital of Japan? ANSWER 100 101 3rd Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...The ORCA is a type of dolphin ANSWER 101 102 3rd Grade World History ~ According to the ancient Roman Calendar, the IDES of MARCH falls on what day in March? ANSWER 102 103 5th Grade Earth Science ~ By definition, an ANEMOMETER measure the speed of what? ANSWER 103 104 5th Grade U.S. History ~ Who immediaely followed Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President? ANSWER 104 105 4th Grade Measurements ~ On a map, if 1 inch = 20 miles, then how many inches is 180 miles? ANSWER 105 106 4th Grade Cultural Studies ~ Who was the Greek God of WINE? ANSWER 106 107 1st Grade Health ~ True or False?...The ESOPHAGUS is a passageway that connects the mouth to the nose ANSWER 107 108 2nd Grade Earth Science ~ A man-made lake created for the purpose of storing water is called a what? a. Channel b. Reservoir c. Isthmus ANSWER 108 109 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the product of 2/3 and 48? ANSWER 109 110 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ The U.S. State of Hawaii is located in what ocean? ANSWER 110 111 2nd Grade Grammar ~ The following sentence contains how many possessive pronouns?..."Alana let Jacob ride her bike because his had a flat tire." ANSWER 111 112 3rd Grade World Geography ~ What is the capital of the United Kingdom? ANSWER 112 113 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...Brown beard can be found in the wild in North America ANSWER 113 114 1st Grade Mathematics ~ A rectangle has how many sides? ANSWER 114 115 2nd Grade Astonomy ~ True or False?...Meteor showers can occur when the Earth passes through the dust of a comet's tail ANSWER 115 116 3rd Grade Art ~ What U.S. City is the home of the Metropolitan Museum of Art? ANSWER 116 117 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ Kyle and Jacob hop in a car in San Francisco, and start driving due east. What is the first state they will pass into? ANSWER 117 118 5th Grade Health ~ In the 1950's, Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine that would protect people from what disease? ANSWER 118 119 4th Grade Life Science ~ In humans, bone marrow produces what type of blood cells? a. Red Blood Cells b. White Blood Cells c. Both Red & White Blood Cells ANSWER 119 120 4th Grade World Geography ~ Sweden's longest land border is with what other country? ANSWER 120 121 5th Grade World History ~ What Egyptian queen was the wife of Roman general Marc Antony? ANSWER 121 122 3rd Grade Cultural Studies ~ What building is the official residence of England's Queen Elizabeth II? ANSWER 122 123 5th Grade Music ~ In the 1720's, what man composed a series of violin concertos known as "the Four Seasons"? ANSWER 123 124 3rd Grade Geography ~ True or False?...North America is in the Eastern Hemisphere ANSWER 124 125 5th Grade Algebra ~ If y=3x and 3x=12, then what number does y= ? ANSWER 125 126 3rd Grade Astronomy ~ On which planet would a person weigh the most? a. Mercury b. Saturn c. Jupiter ANSWER 126 127 2nd Grade Social Studies ~ Which U.S. President is featured on the face of the nickel? ANSWER 127 128 4th Grade Mathematics ~ If the Diameter of a circle=4 inches, then what is the radius of the circle? ANSWER 128 129 5th Grade U.S. Geography ~ True or False?...Ohio shares a border with Illinois ANSWER 129 130 5th Grade Physical Science ~ Density describes the mass of an object divided by what? ANSWER 130 131 4th Grade Grammar ~ What is the adverb in the following sentence? "My father snored loudly and it kept my mother awake" ANSWER 131 132 3rd Grade Animal Science ~ A Giant Panda's natural habitat is on what continent? ANSWER 132 133 2nd Grade Measurements ~ How many months of the year have 31 days? ANSWER 133 134 1st Grade World Geography ~ What is the only continent that is also a country? ANSWER 134 135 4th Grade U.S. History ~ What is the first name of former U.S. President Taylor? ANSWER 135 136 2nd Grade Mathematics ~ True or False?...8/7 is an improper fraction ANSWER 136 137 2nd Grade Science ~ The process of pasteurization was developed from the work of what French scientist who was born in 1822? ANSWER 137 138 3rd Grade Measurements ~ If Jacob writes his age in Roman Numerals as XXIV, how old is he pretending to be? ANSWER 138 139 1st Grade Social Studies ~ What is the title of the U.S. National Anthem? ANSWER 139 140 1st Grade World Geography ~ Which of the world's major oceans lies directly east of Africa? ANSWER 140 141 4th Grade Geometry ~ In a Right Triangle, the side opposite the right angle is called what? a. Radius b. Hypotenuse c. Base ANSWER 141 142 5th Grade Life Science ~ How many incisors are there in a typical adult human mouth? ANSWER 142 143 2nd Grade Mathematics ~ What is 309 rounded to the nearest hundred? ANSWER 143 144 1st Grade Vocabulary ~ True or False?...The "Stern" of a boat refers to the front of the boat ANSWER 144 145 4th Grade Science ~ The force of attraction between any 2 objects that have mass is called what a. Gravity b. Friction c. Fusion ANSWER 145 146 2nd Grade Spelling ~ The names of how many colors of the rainbow are spelled with 3 letters? ANSWER 146 147 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ What state borders South Dakota to the north? ANSWER 147 148 3rd Grade Measurements ~ What unit of power is abbreviated by the letter W? ANSWER 148 149 3rd Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...An Alaskan malamute is a species of fish ANSWER 149 150 4th Grade World Geography ~ In terms of area, what is the largest desert in Africa? ANSWER 150 151 5th Grade Cultural Studies ~ The ancient region known as Mesopotamia was bordered by the Euphrates and what other river? ANSWER 151 152 5th Grade World History ~ The League of Nations was formed at the conclusion of what war? ANSWER 152 153 5th Grade Health ~ Of the 32 teeth in the adult mouth, how many are bicuspids? ANSWER 153 154 1st Grade Social Studies ~ What is the only national holiday that always falls on a Thursday? ANSWER 154 155 1st Grade Mathematics ~ True or False?...The Sum of 2 whole numbers is ALWAYS another whole number? ANSWER 155 156 2nd Grade English ~ How many adjectives are in the following sentence? "Spencer takes good care of his hairy dog"? ANSWER 156 157 3rd Grade Animal Science ~ What is the last stage a butterfly goes through before it becomes an adult? a. Pupa b. Larva c. Egg ANSWER 157 158 4th Grade Life Science ~ Muscles are attatched to bones by what? a. Ligaments b. Tendons c. Marrow ANSWER 158 159 2nd Grade Cultural Studies ~ The leaf of what tree is on the Canadian National Flag? ANSWER 159 160 3rd Grade World Geography ~ The GANGES river flows through Bangledesh and what other country? ANSWER 160 161 5th Grade Measurements ~ How many watts are used during 1 Kilowatt Hour? ANSWER 161 162 5th Grade U.S. History ~ Who was the only person to be elected U.S. President 4 imes? ANSWER 162 163 4th Grade World History ~ Ivan the Terrible was a Czar of what country? ANSWER 163 164 5th Grade World History ~ Which Frenchman was the 1st European explorer to navigate the St. Lawrence River in Canada? ANSWER 164 165 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False...The Pterodactil was an ancient reptile that could fly? ANSWER 165 166 4th Grade Earth Science ~ Lightning is what type of electricity? a. Current b. Alternating c. Static ANSWER 166 167 1st Grade Spelling ~ PODIUM has how many vowels? ANSWER 167 168 4th Grade Health ~ The hardest tissue in the human body covers up the teeth. What is the name of this tissue? ANSWER 168 169 5th Grade World History ~ Charles Lindbergh flew the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight from New York to what city? ANSWER 169 170 2nd Grade World History ~ Egyptian pharoah Tutunkoman lived approximately when? a. 1400 A.D. b. 1400 B.C. c. 500 A.D. ANSWER 170 171 2nd Grade Geography ~ How many U.S. States have the word North, South, East, West in their names? ANSWER 171 172 1st Grade Mathematics ~ Which number has a ZERO in the 10's place? a. 75 b. 57 c. 157 ANSWER 172 173 1s Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...All adult kangaroos have pouches? ANSWER 173 174 3rd Grade World Geography ~ The equator intersects what other imaginary line at 0 Longitude and 0 Latitude? ANSWER 174 175 4th Grade U.S. History ~ On March 14, 1794, who received a patent for the Cotton Gin? ANSWER 175 176 5th Grade Measurements ~ If you travel 2 decameters and a hectometer, how far have you traveled? ANSWER 176 177 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ Which Ocean borders Georgia? ANSWER 177 178 1st Grade Grammar ~ What is the common noun in the following sentence? "I Saw it in the city of Buffalo" ANSWER 178 179 4th Grade U.S. History ~ Who was the U.S. President just prior to F. D. Roosevelt? ANSWER 179 180 1st Grade Civics ~ Which of the following is a national U.S. holiday? a. Arbor Day b. Flag Day c. New Year's Day ANSWER 180 181 1st Grade Science ~ How many horns did the triceratops dinosaur have on it's head? ANSWER 181 182 2nd Grade Spelling ~ What month comes last alphabetically? ANSWER 182 183 2nd Grade Geography ~ The country of Mexico is on what continent? ANSWER 183 184 3rd Grade Astonomy ~ What planet is the 2nd closest to our sun? ANSWER 184 185 3rd Grade Health ~ How many bones are in the typical adult human's body? a. 206 b. 306 c. 406 ANSWER 185 186 4th Grade Social Studies ~ How long is one regular term for a U.S. Senator? ANSWER 186 187 4th Grade Grammar ~ True or False?..."OR" and "BUT" are examples of interjections ANSWER 187 188 5th Grade U.S. History ~ After Washington, Adams & Jefferson, who was the 4th President of the United States? ANSWER 188 189 5th Grade Measurements ~ One gallon = how many pints? ANSWER 189 190 2nd Grade Astonomy ~ The planet Earth is located in what galaxy? ANSWER 190 191 4th Grade World Geography ~ What is the capital of Sweden? ANSWER 191 192 1st Grade Music ~ What national hymn written by Katharine Lee Bates contains the words "from sea to shining sea"? ANSWER 192 193 3rd Grade Cultural Studies ~ What was the name of the Egyptian god of the SUN? a. Ra b. Hathor c. Ramses ANSWER 193 194 1st Grade Mathematics ~ Which of the following is the smallest? a. 1/3 b. 1/4 c. 1/2 ANSWER 194 195 2nd Grade Measurements ~ A U.S. month will have a Friday the 13th if the 1st of the month is on what day? ANSWER 195 196 3rd Grade Mathematics ~ How many degrees are in a quarter of a circle? ANSWER 196 197 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...The EMU is a flightless bird? ANSWER 197 198 4th Grade U.S. History ~ Before he eventually became President of the U.S., Harry Truman was a Senator representing what state? ANSWER 198 199 1st Grade U.S. Geography ~ What U.S. State is nicknamed "the Lonestar State"? ANSWER 199 200 2nd Grade Grammar ~ What is the verb in the following sentence? "It is such a nice day."? ANSWER 200 201 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ Which is not a member of the U.S. Presidential Cabinet? a. Secretary of Education b. Attorney General c. White House Press Secretary ANSWER 201 202 5th Grade World Geography ~ The Gobi desert is located on what continent? ANSWER 202 203 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...A salamander is a lizard? ANSWER 203 204 1st Grade English ~ True or False?...The word "ten" is an antonym of the word "net"? ANSWER 204 205 2nd Grade World Geography ~ Excluding Antarctica, which continent reaches the furthest south? ANSWER 205 206 5th Grade U.S. Geography ~ Which of the Great Lakes lies furthest East? ANSWER 206 207 1st Grade Science ~ The Sun is primarily made up of what substance? a. Gas b. Molten Metal c. Rock ANSWER 207 208 2nd Grade Mathematics ~ Steven has $100.00 in pennies. How many pennies does he have? ANSWER 208 209 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...A typical male moose sheds it's antlers every year? ANSWER 209 210 2nd Grade Earth Science ~ In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice appears in what month? ANSWER 210 211 4th Grade Mathematics ~ Billy's yard is a perfect square. 12 feet on each side. What is 1/2 the perimeter of the yard? ANSWER 211 212 4th Grade Social Studies ~ An American citizen must be how old to be a congress-person in the U.S. House of Representatives? ANSWER 212 213 1st Grade Art ~ The color PINK is created by mixing white with what Primary color? ANSWER 213 214 2nd Grade Earth Science ~ True or False?...A River's place of origin is it's "mouth"? ANSWER 214 215 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ Which of the following states extends the furthest SOUTH? a. Utah b. New Mexico c. Nebraska ANSWER 215 216 1st Grade Mathematics ~ Spence cuts pizza into thirds, then cuts each third in half. How many pieces of pizza does he now have? ANSWER 216 217 3rd Grade World Geography ~ The ALPS are a mountain range located primarily on what continent? ANSWER 217 218 4th Grade Animal Science ~ Which of the following is an ANTHROPOID? a. Bee b. Ape c. Lobster ANSWER 218 219 3rd Grade Grammar ~ Which is the adverb in the following sentence? "Yesterday, Kyle drove his dad's car" ANSWER 219 220 2nd Grade Social Studies ~ In 1782, what became the official bird of the United States? ANSWER 220 221 2nd Grade Grammar ~ How many "articles" are in the following sentence? "Marki saw an owl, which is a nocturnal animal in the bird family." ANSWER 221 222 1st Grade History ~ True or False?...The year 1895 was in the 19th century? ANSWER 222 223 1st Grade Reading ~ In Mythology, what was the name of Paul Bunyan's Blue Ox? ANSWER 223 224 3rd Grade Earth Science ~ Granite is an example of what type of rock? a. Igneous b. Sedimentary c. Metamorphic ANSWER 224 225 4th Grade Measurements ~ Kyle is 4" taller than Alana (who is 4'2"). How many inches tall is Kyle? ANSWER 225 226 3rd Grade Cultural Studies ~ In Greek Mythology, who was Zeus' wife who was also known as the Queen of the Gods? a. Aphrodite b. Hera c. Athena ANSWER 226 227 5th Grade U.S. History ~ What future U.S. President created the framework for "the Virginia Plan" that structured our government into 3 branches? ANSWER 227 228 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ The New England area does not include which of the following states? a. Delaware b. Vermont c. Connecticut ANSWER 228 229 3rd Grade World Geography ~ Which of these is not an independent country? a. Greenland b. Iceland c. Sri Lanka ANSWER 229 230 1st Grade Science ~ What gemstone is formed inside mollusks such as oysters? ANSWER 230 231 3rd Grade World History ~ True or False?...Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of modern nursing was born in Florence, Italy? ANSWER 231 232 2nd Grade Health ~ Which of the 5 senses is most related to the OLFACTORY system? ANSWER 232 233 4th Grade Astonomy ~ The 4 main phases of the moon are FULL, 1st QUARTER, LAST QUARTER and what? ANSWER 233 234 1st Grade English ~ Besides "I", what is the only other letter in the alphabet that you have to "dot" in it's lower case version? ANSWER 234 235 4th Grade Art ~ Pablo Picasso, who developed an artistic style known as CUBISM, was born in what century? ANSWER 235 236 5th Grade U.S. History ~ Thomas Jefferson died on 7/4/1826, what other U.S. President died on the very same day? ANSWER 236 237 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...The Platupus is a mammal ANSWER 237 238 1st Grade Social Studies ~ Who was the 16th President of the U.S.? ANSWER 238 239 3rd Grade U.S. Geography ~ What river forms the border between Indiana and Kentucky? ANSWER 239 240 2nd Grade English ~ How many compound words are in the following sentence? "Someone from the classroom was playing baseball in the cafteria."? ANSWER 240 241 3rd Grade Measurements ~ One inch = how many centimeters? a. 1.27 b. 2.05 c. 2.54 ANSWER 241 242 2nd Grade Cultural Studies ~ This picture is the national flag of what country? ANSWER 242 243 5th Grade Science ~ What is the most abundant element in the universe? ANSWER 243 244 4th Grade Health ~ What blood type is referred to as the "universal recipient"? a. A b. O c. AB ANSWER 244 245 4th Grade Ancient Cultures ~ The great sphinx in Egypt has the head of a man and the body of what species of animal? ANSWER 245 246 5th Grade World History ~ The 100 years war in the 14th and 15th centuries was primarily a battle between England and what other country? ANSWER 246 247 1st Grade Music ~ What is the 5th word in the Star Spangled Banner? a. Light b. See c. Red ANSWER 247 248 1s Grade Grammar ~ How many singular nouns are in the following sentence? "The girls were mad at the boys because the boys threw snowballs at them." ANSWER 248 249 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ Yosemite National Park is in what U.S. State? ANSWER 249 250 3rd Grade Astonomy ~ True or False?...The Milky Way Galaxy has more than 1 billion stars? ANSWER 250 251 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...the humpback whale is cold-blooded? ANSWER 251 252 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ The U.S. Declaration of Independence was written and signed in what year? ANSWER 252 253 4th Grade U.S. History ~ U.S. President Hayes elected in 1876 had what first name? ANSWER 253 254 5th Grade Science ~ What precious metal has the symbol AG on the Periodic Table of Elements? ANSWER 254 255 4th Grade World Geography ~ What is the capital of Brazil? ANSWER 255 256 5th Grade Drama ~ "Two households, both alike in dignity" is the opening line of what Shakespearean play? ANSWER 256 257 5th Grade World Geography ~ Russia's longest land border is with what other country? ANSWER 257 258 1st Grade Social Studies ~ What was the first name of the first U.S. First Lady? ANSWER 258 259 2nd Grade English ~ True or False?...The follwing sentence is grammatically correct. "I don't know who's book this is" ANSWER 259 260 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ The chimpanzee's native habitat is on what continent? ANSWER 260 261 5th Grade Measurements ~ In the U.S., how many pounds are in a ton? ANSWER 261 262 3rd Grade Science ~ True or False?...Neon is a metal? ANSWER 262 263 3rd Grade World Geography ~ Bavaria is a state in what European country? ANSWER 263 264 4th Grade Health ~ Which are blood vessels in the human body? a. Tibias b. Cilia c. Capillaries ANSWER 264 265 4th Grade Cultural Studies ~ What is the official language of Australia? ANSWER 265 266 3rd Grade Art ~ True or False?...Artist Vincent VanGogh who created the famous painting "STORMY NIGHT" was born in France. ANSWER 266 267 5th Grade Grammar ~ How many demonstrative adjectives are in the following sentence? "That scruffy dog with the short tail chased the mulicolored cat through the tree." ANSWER 267 268 1st Grade Animal Science ~ Which of the following animals is NOT native to the African Savannah? ANSWER 268 269 2nd Grade English ~ True or False?...The word TRUE is an antonym of the word FALSE ANSWER 269 270 2nd Grade Social studies ~ The ORIOLE is the official bird of what U.S. State? ANSWER 270 271 3rd Grade Nature ~ Fuji and Gala are both varieties of what fruit? ANSWER 271 272 4th Grade World Geography ~ What city is the capital of Italy? a. Rome b. Milan c. Naples ANSWER 272 273 4th Grade World History ~ Puerto Rico was a colony of what country immediately before possession by the United States occurred in 1898? ANSWER 273 274 3rd Grade Mathematics ~ If Nathan has 8 pies, and cuts each pie into 8 pieces, how many pieces of pie does Nathan have? ANSWER 274 275 5th Grade Literature ~ What 19th Century British author wrote the novel "A Christmas Carol"? ANSWER 275 276 5th Grade U.S. History ~ Published in the 1780's, the Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and what man, who would become a U.S. President? ANSWER 276 277 1st Grade Music ~ According to the lyrics of the U.S. National Anthem, what objects gave off a "red glare"? ANSWER 277 278 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...Female goats can produce milk? ANSWER 278 279 2nd Grade English ~ Which is a synonym for the word "HAPPY"? a. Mad b. Sad c. Glad ANSWER 279 280 2nd Grade Social Studies ~ What U.S. State's nickname is "The Empire State"? ANSWER 280 281 3rd Grade U.S. Geography ~ Helena is the capital of what U.S. State? ANSWER 281 282 3rd Grade Ancient Cultures ~ What was the primary language used in ancient Rome? a. Latin b. Italian c. Greek ANSWER 282 283 4th Grade Vocabulary ~ What is the ORDINAL of the word TEN? ANSWER 283 284 4th Grade Science ~ Famous scientist Albert Einstein was born in what country? ANSWER 284 285 5th Grade Literature ~ "Two Roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled..." are lines from the poem "The Road Not Taken" written by what American Poet? ANSWER 285 286 5th Grade U.S. History ~ Who was the youngest person to become President of the United States? ANSWER 286 287 2nd Grade World Geography ~ Cuba is geographically located closest to what U.S. State? ANSWER 287 288 1st Grade Grammar ~ True or False?...There are NO adjectives in the following sentence--"Sierra boiled the spaghetti in a black pot" ANSWER 288 289 1st Grade Measurements ~ How many seconds are in half a minute? ANSWER 289 290 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...All crocodiles are herbivores? ANSWER 290 291 3rd Grade Cultural Studies ~ What is the official language of Brazil? ANSWER 291 292 3rd Grade World History ~ In ancient Greece, how often were the Olympic Games held? a. Every year b. Every 4 years c. Every 10 years ANSWER 292 293 4th Grade Mathematics ~ How many factors does the number 121 have? ANSWER 293 294 4th Grade World Geography ~ The country of Estonia is located on which continent? ANSWER 294 295 5th Grade Literature ~ The poem "Paul Revere's Ride" was written by what 19th Century author? ANSWER 295 296 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...Roadrunners are birds ANSWER 296 297 2nd Grade Foreign Languages ~ Bonour means Good Day in what language? ANSWER 297 298 2nd Grade Music ~ The picciolo is a member of what musical family? a. Woodwinds b. Strings c. Percussion ANSWER 298 Bonus #1 U.S. History ~ What U.S. President was nicknamed "OLD HICKORY"? ANSWER BONUS 1 299 3rd Grade World Geography ~ Buadpest is the capital of what European country? ANSWER 299 300 3rd Grade U.S. History ~ What was a President of the U.S.? a. Johns Hopkins b. Franklin Pierce c. Brigham Young ANSWER 300 301 4th Grade Anatomy ~ How many canine teeth are in a typical adult human mouth? ANSWER 301 302 1st Grade Animal Science ~ What is the largest species of cat? a. Tiger b. Puma c. Jaguar ANSWER 302 303 2nd Grade World Geography ~ The Earth's larges rainforest is located on what continent? ANSWER 303 304 3rd Grade Mathematics ~ True or False?...The reciprocal of 5/6 is a whole number ANSWER 304 305 1st Grade Measurements ~ If you are standing on the equator, in what compass direction would you look to see the sun rise? ANSWER 305 306 1st Grade Animal Science ~ True or False?...A camel's hump is primarily used to hold water ANSWER 306 307 2nd Grade Social Studies ~ In the patriotic song, America, what 4 words follows "My Country tis of Thee" ANSWER 307 308 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ True or False?...The state of New Mexico borders the Gulf of Mexico ANSWER 308 309 3rd Grade Mathematics ~ if 15/35 = n/7, then N=what number? ANSWER 309 310 3rd Grade Grammar ~ What word is the adverb in the following sentence? "Sierra was so excited to be in Mr. Foxworthy's class because he is such a great teacher." ANSWER 310 311 4th Grade Cultural Studies ~ Buddhism is a religion which began in what country? ANSWER 311 312 1st Grade Grammar ~ What is the only word that is NOT in the predicate of the following sentence? "Nathan threw his grammar book at the wall" ANSWER 312 313 4th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the median of the following set of number? 2, 2, 5, 9, 12, 17 ANSWER 313 314 1st Grade Animal Science ~ A doe is a female of what animal? a. Dog b. Deer c. Horse ANSWER 314 315 1st Grade Earth Science ~ True or False?...Lightning is a form of precipitation? ANSWER 315 316 2nd Grade World Geography ~ What is the capital of Spain? ANSWER 316 317 2nd Grade Nature ~ True or False?...Almonds grow on trees ANSWER 317 318 5th Grade U.S. History ~ Who was the 1st Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court? ANSWER 318 319 1st Grade Astronomy ~ What is the only planet in our solar system that man has walked upon? ANSWER 319 320 1st Grade Life Science ~ the food known as pork comes from what animal? ANSWER 320 321 2nd Grade Animal Science ~ What species of land animal is the closest surviving relative of the WOOLY MAMMOTH? ANSWER 321 322 2nd Grade U.S. Geography ~ Which of the following U.S. States lies the furthest EAST? a. Indiana b. Mississippi c. Kentucky ANSWER 322 323 3rd Grade World Geography ~ What body of water in the middle east is located at approximately 1300 feet below sea level? ANSWER 323 324 3rd Grade Social Studies ~ True or False?...The Washington Monument in Washington D.C. is over 1000 feet tall ANSWER 324 325 4th Grade Science ~ What scientist developed the equation e=mc2 ANSWER 325 326 5th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the product of 1.1 and 1.1 ? ANSWER 326 327 4th Grade World History ~ Who was the first woman to make a solo flight in an airplance across the Atlantic Ocean? ANSWER 327 328 2nd Grade Grammar ~ Which is not an "article"? a. An b. The c. To ANSWER 328 329 1st Grade Animal Science ~ An Elephant's tusks are made of what material? a. enamel b. bone marrow c. Ivory ANSWER 329 330 2nd Grade Measurements ~ How many days are in a leap year? ANSWER 330 Bonus #2 World Geography ~ In terms of Surface Area, what is the largest body of fresh water in the world? ANSWER BONUS 2 331 5th Grade Mathematics ~ What is the Absolute Value of "9"? ANSWER 331 332 3rd Grade Earth Science ~ True or False?...cocoa Beans from which chocolate is made originate from Asia ANSWER 332 333 4th Grade Social Studies ~ In 1787, what was the 1st State to ratify the Constitution and join the United States? ANSWER 333 334 1st Grade Grammar ~ True or False?...There are 2 nouns in the following sentence? "Cody has a goldfish who was born in California" ANSWER 334 335 2nd Grade Measurements ~ What is the fewest number of U.S. coins needed to comprise .99? ANSWER 335 336 3rd Grade Mathematics ~ If Nathan eats 27 licorice in 6 hours, how many licorice does he eat "per hour"? ANSWER 336 337 4th Grade Science ~ Which tree is a conifer? a. Oak b. Pine c. Maple ANSWER 337 338 1st Grade Music ~ True or False?...A Cello is larger than a viola ANSWER 338 339 3rd Grade Reading ~ What is the pen name of author Charles Dodgson who wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? ANSWER 339 Cody has 3 pandas, who eat 40 pounds of bamboo per day. How much bamboo does he need to have on hand to feed all his pandas for 2 days?
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