what does SMS mean
SMS stands for short messaging service, a protocol used for sending short messages over wireless networks.
what are website ads
A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web delivered by an ad server. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page.
what is a web application?
A web application is application software that runs on a web server
what is a mobile video
Watching video clips and movies on a smartphone or tablet.
what is advergaming
Mobile advergaming is the use of interactive gaming technology to deliver embedded adver- tising messages to consumers
what does MMS mean
MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service.
what is Interstitials
On the web, an interstitial webpage is a web page displayed before or after an expected content page, often to display advertising or confirm the user's age.
what is geo location
also known as geotracking, geolocalization, geolocating, geolocation, or geoposition fixing is the process of determining or estimating the geographic position of an object.
video ads
where are advergaming found
video games use to promote new products, services or ideas
advatages of messages
it gets read faster
advantages of web ads
dvertising on websites include lower costs, greater engagement and higher conversation rates compared to traditional marketing methods
Advatages of web apps
Web Applications deliver many business benefits compared to office based solutions. Reduce business costs
advantages of mobile videos
A video conveys huge amounts of information in a short time.
advantages of moblie advergaming
Advergaming creates an interaction with the brand by spreading word of mouth with their known people. This will increase the awareness among users by letting them know about the product. Suitable for any business
disadvatage of meassages
The main disadvantages of text messaging are that it can be difficult to accurately express a message
disadvatages of Interstitials
disadvantage of interstitials is that they can cause a loss in rankings when used on mobile websites.
Disadvantages of geo location
Encrypt User's Location Data.
disadvantages mobile video
The Technology Can Fail
disadvantages of advergaming
Advergames often advertise unhealthy products