When is Valentines Day?
February 14th
The first heart-shaped box of chocolates was introduced in this year. 1861, 1980 or 1919?
What is the french word for "love?"
How does Cupid make you fall in love with someone?
He shoots an arrow of love through your heart
Sonny and ______
This is how many different sayings are in a typical conversation heart box of candy. 12, 30 or 45?
45 Sayings
What is the most common flower received for valentines day?
Which playwright coined the term "star-crossed lovers"?
William Shakespeare
XOXOXOX means what? _______
Hugs & Kisses
Bonnie and __________
About how many roses are sent for Valentine’s Day each year? 50,000 or 50 million
50 million
Chocolate is made from which food? Coco Bean, Coco Leaf, or Coco Mushroom?
coco bean
In Greek mythology, who was the goddess of love and beauty?
Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley all got married in what city?
Las Vegas
Johnny Cash and _____________
June Carter
How old is Valentines Day? 100, 1100 or 2000 years?
2000 years old
The Spangler Candy Company produces what popular Valetine's Day candy?
Sweethearts Conversation Heart
Comedian and actor Bob Hope and Dolores Reade hold the Guinness World Record for what feat?
Longest Hollywood Marriage
What were candy hearts originally used for?
medical lozenge, cake decorations, or pancake batter
Medical lozenge
Queen Victoria and ____________________
Prince Albert
They were cousins!
With the population of 108, which US state is home the town of Valentine?
Valentine's Day is one of the most popular days of the year for sending flowers. What other day is the most popular for sending flowers?
Mother's Day
Based on the story of Romeo and Juliet, Letters to Juliet are sent to what city every year?
Verona, Italy
The Club di Giulietta (Juliet Club) is a volunteer organization that answers many of these letters. The tradition began in the 1930s and continues today, with hundreds of thousands of letters written to Juliet each year.
Which mammal has the largest heart?
The Whale
Paul Newmann and _____________
Joanne Woodward