Ms. Jackie
The world
English Grammar
English Grammar 2

What is ms. Jackie's favorite animal?

She likes gorillas!


What language do they speak in Mexico?




What is the smallest prefecture in Japan?

prefecture = 府県

Kagawa prefecture is the smallest.


Jackie is _______  buy tapioca milk tea after school.

a. gone to   b. happy    c. going to       d. having

Jackie is going to buy tapioca milk tea after school.


Bob: Which is bigger the Japanese coin or the mexican coin?

Sally: I think the Mexican coin is a little ________ the Japanese coin.

The mexican coin is a little bigger than\smaller than the Japanese coin.


Which is Ms. Jackie's favorite drink?

a. Coca Cola    b. Melon soda

c. milk tea         d. milk coca cola  

e. Hot coca cola    F. Calpis

C. I like milk tea!


What animal appears in the Mexican Flag?

Flag = 国旗

a. fish   b. lion   c. goat  d. alpaca   e.bird

e. Eagle/bird


What country has the most biodiversity in the world?

biodiversity = 生物多様性

a. India

b. America

c. China

d. Australia

e. Brazil

e. Brazil!

I has many animals and plants in the Amazon forest.


Can you___________ your new drawing? I want to see it because, I heard it is very pretty! 

A. take me    b. show me  c. clean me     d. draw me

e. share you

Can you show me your new drawing? I want to see it because, I heard it is very pretty!


His dog is so sick he is ________ need medicine to feel better.

a. going to    b. drinking   c. have to     d. will drink   

His dog is so sick he is going to need medicine to feel better.

b. drinking X 

c. have to X

d. will drink X


What is Ms. Jackie's favorite thing she has eaten in Japan?

a. Warabimochi       b. takoyaki

c. Oden                 d. Okonomiyaki

e. Kushikatsu         F. Nabe

a. I love warabimochi!


What is a famous mexican food?

a. salanes            b. euguesoh

c. riquottini                d. tamales

d. Tamales


What is the most spoken language in the world?

Mandarin Chinese! 

12% of the world speak Chinese.


Bob: Hey Jack, what do you call this bug?

Jack: I don't know..

Bob: The bug looks like an apple. So, people ______ apple bug.

Jack: I like that, it sounds cute!

a. speak it       b.   think it        c. teach it                 d. show it        e. call it            f. carry it 

Bob: Hey Jack, what do you call this bug?

Jack: I don't know..

Bob: The bug looks like an apple. So, people call it apple bug.

Jack: I like that, it sounds cute!


Jackie: Hey Bob, do you know which is the (better/best/good) place to eat warabimochi in himeji?

Bob: I think the (better/best/good) place is a restaurant (call, called, calling) hitokoto. Please try it!

Jackie: Hey Bob, do you know which is the best place to eat warabimochi in himeji?

Bob: I think the best place is a restaurant called hitokoto. Please try it!


What is ms. Jackie scared of?

a. Bugs              b. snakes

c. Scary movies   d. Big Penguins

e. Cockroaches     F. Dogs

b. Snakes


What was a mexican invention?

a. glue  b. Color tv  c. printer  d.  soccer e. glasses

invention = 発明

b. Color T.V


What is the smallest country in the world?

a. Japan

b. Laos

c. Sweden

d. Vatican

E. Guam

F. Puerto rico 

d. Vatican

The country is only 0.44 km², even smaller than Himeji.


Jack: Today I bought a new bicycle. 

Jackie: Cool!, How do you like it?

Jack: The new bike is smaller______my old bike. But it is faster______ the old bike too. I think the new one is (good/best/better) than the old one.

Jackie: Yay! that's good

Jack: Today I bought a new bicycle. 

Jackie: Cool!, How do you like it?

Jack: The new bike is smaller than my old bike. But it is faster than the old bike too. I think the new one is better than the old one.


Hey, I heard you finished the homework. Can you_________ how to solve the math question.

Sorry I do not know. 

Hey, I heard you finished the homework. Can you teach me/ show me how to solve the math question


What will Jackie do after Japan?

a. Teach English in Korea

b. Go to graduate school in France

c. Get a job in America

D. Teach Spanish in Germany

E. Be a Japanese translator in Mexico

b. I want to go to grad school in France! 

graduate school = 大学院


When is Mexico's independence day?

independence day = 独立記念日

1.April 9th

2. November 11th

3. November 2nd

4. May 5th

5. September 16th

6. January 6th

September 16th


Jackie: This English test was a a lot (hard/harder/hardest) than the exam last semester. Maybe I did not do so well....

Bob: It was not that (hard/harder/hardest), I think you did not study.

Jackie: No, I did study. Everyone says this exam was the (hard/harder/hardest) of all!

Hard = 難しい 

Jackie: This English test was a a lot harder than the exam last semester. Maybe I did not do so well....

Bob: It was not that hard, I think you did not study.

Jackie: No, I did study. Everyone says this exam was the hardest of all!


Bob: I heard that this river is the _______(long/longer/longest) in the world. Some people_______ (call it/ teach it/ show it) the place human civilization started. Do you know its name? Please (talk me/say me/tell me) if you know.

Jack: Oh! That is the Nile river.

human civilization= 人類の文明

Bob: I heard that this river is the longest in the world. Some people call it the place human civilization started. Do you know its name? Please tell me if you know.

Jack: Oh! That is the Nile river.

human civilization= 人類の文明
