When did they celebrate the love festival in Ancient Rome?
On February 15th
What kind of flower gets bought the most?
A rose
"to tie the knot"
to get married
What colours are the most popular?
Red and pink
Who sings the song “Love Story”?
Taylor swift
When did Saint Valentine die?
In 269 AD.
Who spends more money on Valentine’s Day, Men or Women?
Men spend more money on Valentine’s Day
"head over heels"
to be very in love
What does the red rose symbolise?
It symbolises love
song by fifty fifty?
Who wrote the first valentine in 1415?
Charles, the Duke of Orleans
What is the most popular gift?
A heart shaped card
“To fall for someone “
To have a crush on someone
What Valentine's Day character carries a bow and arrow?
A song by Ed Sheeran
(Synonym for flawless)
How old is Valentines Day?
a. 100 b. 1100 c. 1500 d. 2000
c. 1500 years old
How much money do Americans spend on Valentine’s Day?
a.10 million. b.1 billion c.37 billion d.19 billion
d.19 billion US $
"an old flame"
an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
What colour of roses stands for friendship?
A yellow coloured rose
Which U.S. Founding Father is said to have sold chocolate out of his print shop in Philadelphia on Valentines?
benjamin franklin
About how many boxes of chocolate are given on Valentine's Day?
a. 982 thousand b. 5.2 million c. 36 million
c. 36 million
“Three Little Words”
I love you
What does “XOXO” mean?
Hugs and Kisses
who originally sang “I love you baby”?