The sum of 60 and 408
Where do you put the period in a sentence?
Elephants are the only mammals that cannot do what?
a. sit down
b. eat grass
c. jump
c. jump
What is a noun?
A person, place or thing.
2091 + 40 =
540 subtracted by 109
What is 431
What is a synonym for "big"?
Bonus: 100 points
In which of the 4 seasons do trees grow new leaves?
a. Fall/Autumn
b. Summer
c. Winter
d. Spring
What is a verb?
A verb is an action word.
Example: Run, walk or talk.
450+ 350 =
Which number is greater 250,789 or 230,789
What is 250,789
The Opposite of Sad
what is Happy
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
What is Spongebob Squarepants
Which word is the adverb in the sentence?
She was walking slowly.
An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb.
1,957 - 1,628 =
Bonus: triple points
Which number is Less 5,207 or 5,027
What is 5,027
What is the setting in a story?
where and when the story takes place.
This stuff is sticky and comes in different colors the main ingredient is Glue
What is slime
A synonym is a word that has nearly the same or the same meaning as another word.
What is a synonym for quiet?
524,001 - 27 =
54 times 40 is
What is 2,160
Bonus: double points
The Root Word of Swimming
What is Swim
Bonus: 50 points
Who is the King of Wakanda
Who is Black Panther
What are the FIVE elements of a complete sentence?
1. Begins with a Capital Letter
2. Noun
3. Verb
4. Makes complete sense
5. Has an end mark (punctuation)
629,999 + 159,999 =