The definition of Pulmonary respiration is
What is pulmonary ventilation and
pulmonary diffusion?
What is a nerve cell that sends messages all over your body to allow you to do everything
Cardiac Output refers to
what is the product of the stroke volume and the number of beats per minute (heart rate).
Factors that Promote Diffusion
What is the Large surface area of alveoli
• Thinness of respiratory membrane (2 cells thick)
• Pressure differences of oxygen & carbon dioxide between air in alveoli
& blood
• Partial pressure: portion of pressure due to a particular gas in a mixture
of gases
Spirometry function
What is Measurement of pulmonary
volumes and rate of expired volumes and rate of expired
airflow airflow
Components of a neuron are
What are dendrites, an axon, and a cell body
Cause and Definition of Oxygen Diffusion
Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) must be > in alveoli than in blood & > in blood
than in tissue
• Thus, differences between PO2 in alveoli & blood (65 mm Hg) and between
blood & tissue (60 mm Hg) provide driving force for diffusion of oxygen
The most important inspiratory muscle
What is the Diaphram
Function of neurotransmitter
What is carry chemical signals or “messages” from one neuron to the next target cell
Difference between Veins and Arteries
What is Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood towards the heart
Causes of Carbon Dioxide Diffusion
what is Differences between PCO2 in alveoli & blood (6 mm Hg) and between blood & tissue (6 mm Hg) provide driving force for diffusion of carbon dioxide
The Functions of the Respiratory System
What is Conducts air into & out of lungs and Exchanges gases between air & blood
The most important component of a neuron
What is the cell body or soma
The function of Hemoglobin
What is picked up oxygen from the air we breathe, and it delivers it everywhere in the body.
The rate of gas transfer (V gas) is proportional to the tissue surface area, the diffusion coefficient of the gas, and the difference in the partial pressure of the gas on the two sides of the tissue, and inversely proportional to the thickness
What is Fick’s law of diffusions
Alveoli are attached too
What are respiratory bronchioles
Definition of a Neuromuscular Junction
what is synaptic connection between the terminal end of a motor nerve and a muscle
What part of the body controls the Cardiovascular system?
total pressure of gas mixture = sum of partial pressures of each gas. Each gas moves according to its own individual pressure gradient.
What is Dalton’s law