What animal says meow meow?
For 1 emoji,Cat or Kitten is right and correct
What is brown, sweet and everyone likes it, and it melts in your mouth?
For 1 emoji, chocolate is right and correct
What person teaches children at school.
For 1 emoji, Teacher is right and correct.
What do we wear on our feet?
For 1 emoji, Shoes or Socks or bare feet for 1 emoji, is the right and correct answer.
What is the name of the 2 parts on your face that you see things with?
For 1 emoji, the Eyes are right and correct.
What animal says bow wow?
For 1 emoji, Dog, or puppy is right and correct
What is your favorite food?
For 1 emoji, any answer is right and correct.
What is the name of the person who cooks your dinner when you get home from school and also makes you breakfast?
For 1 emoji, Mother, Father, Grandmother, Aunt, or Uncle, is the correct or right answer.
What has short sleeves, and we wear it when you play sports?
For 1 emoji, T-shirt is the right and correct response.
What is the part of your head that you hear from, remember you have 2?
For 1 emoji, Ears are right and correct.
What animal says roar roar roar?
For 1 emoji, Lion or Cub is right and correct.
What is your favorite drink?
For 1 emoji, any answer is right or correct.
What is the name of the person who helps the doctor in a hospital.
For 1 emoji, Nurse or Doctor is right or correct.
What is the name of the clothes you put on your head?
For 1 emoji, Hat or Cap is correct and correct.
What is the part on your head that you speak from and you eat from?
For 1 emoji, Mouth is right and correct
What animal swims around in the water and has fins, scales and a tail?
For 1 emoji Fish is right and correct
What is your favorite snack?
For 1 emoji, any answer is right and correct
A person who you helps you with legal problems or speaks for you in court.
We wear it around our neck when it is cold.
What is the part of your head that you use a brush and a comb?
For 1 emoji, Hair is right and correct.
This bird is black with a red "cap" and finds worms in trees.
This type of meat comes from a young sheep.
A person who welcomes people in front of a hotel.
It is a formal wear for men.
This is the part of your eye that can be brown, blue, or green.