How many years has Camp Gan Israel of Ann Arbor been around?
25 years
Where is your counselor(s)/child's counselor(s) from?
Leah - Los Angeles, California
Chayale - New Canaan, Connecticut
Shaina - Memphis, Tennessee
Nechama - Los Angeles, California
Zeldy - New York City, New York
Devorah Lea - San Diego, California
Dena - Los Angeles, California
Chaya - Los Angeles, California
What is the blessing for bread?
What is the Capital of Michigan?
What are the past 3 trips we went on?
Michigan Science Center, High Velocity Sports, and Pump It Up
What are the names of the two newest Gan Izzy staff members (not including head counselors, counselors, or jc's)?
Mendel and Shifra Goldstein
Name a Jewish holiday.
Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukka, Tu B'shvat, Purim, Pesach, Lag Baomer, Shavuot
What street is Chabad on?
Hill Street
Where are the prizes in camp kept?
In the office on the tables against the wall, or on the head counselors' desks
How many kids are in the Zwiebel family?
How many mitzvot are there?
How many students are there at the University of Michigan?
About 51,000
Name 5 snacks served in camp.
Strawberries, graham crackers, cookies, snackers, pretzels, blueberries, bananas, watermelon, chips
How many years ago did Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldstein move to Ann Arbor?
48 year ago
What is written inside a mezuza?
The Shema
How many Chabad houses are there around the world?
Around 5,000
Around how many kids are there in camp?
Between 50-70 depending on the week
Which two counselors are related?
Leah Backman and Shayna Klein - they are 3rd cousins
What year did the Jews receive the Torah?
In the Hebrew year 2448 (1313 BCE)
How much does gas cost (per gallon)?
Around $3.50/gallon