Genesis 1:1, 3
What is our Memory Verse
The first thing God created
What is Light?
On the 3rd day God created _____________,
What is Land and Sea?
God created to live in the sea?
What is every type of sea creature--fish and sea mammals?
In the Beginning, God created
What is our Memory Verse "the heaven and the earth"?
Who was there in the beginning?
Who is God?
On the third day he filled the land with ____________.
What is plants and fruit trees?
What it means to rule over all the creatures.
What is take care of them?
God Said, Let there be Light
What is our Memory Verse, " and there was light""?
How was light created?
God said "Let there be light and there was light".
On the fourth day, God _________.
What is put the sun in the sky with the stars and moon?
God created to fly through the sky.
What is every type of bird?
Our Memory Verse:
What is Gensis 1: 1, 3
God called the light and day after he separated it.
What are night and day?
On the fourth day, God put the sun in the sky with the moon and stars so that ________________
What is so we’d know day from night ?
The job God gave to man and woman.
What is to rule over all of the creatures?
Our Memory Verse says:
What is "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. God said, Let there be Light and there was light."
God said the Light was ___________.
What is Good?
After God saw finished the fourth day, he saw ____________,
What is "saw that it was good?
God created to live on the land.
What is livestock which are farm animals, wild animals, people, and animals that move on the ground such as lizards, snakes, and worms.?