What is the most appropriate way for a female to wipe herself to prevent UTI's
What is front to back
How does urine move through the ureters?
What is peristalsis
Is urine acidic, basic, or neutral?
What is slightly acidic (6.5-7.0)
What type of muscle is the bladder composed of?
What is smooth muscle?
Urinate after intercourse
What is a nephron
What is another word for urination?
What is micturation
This bacteria is the most common cause of UTI's
What is E. Coli
What gender is at most risk for the development of UTI's?
What are sexually active females
Chronic urinary infections can lead to
What is renal failure and tissue death
This is nephrolithiasis?
What are kidney stones
What is inflammation of the bladder?
What is cystitis
What is the presence of bacteria in the urine?
What is bacteuria
What gender has the longest urethra?
What are males
Will a patient with a UTI report fowl smelling urine?
What is sometimes. If the patient is not asymptomatic, they usually report with changes to urine color/smell/volume
What is inflammation of the urethra?
What is urethritis
What is inflammation of the kidney's?
What is pyelonephritis
What is the presence of blood in the urine?
What type of antibiotic would a patient with a UTI receive before cultures come back?
Should you wash your hands?
What is always
What is no
What is a common side-effect of urinary catheters?
What are UTIs
Who was the protagonist in Threat Level Midnight?
Who is secret agent Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn