
A policy that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, origin, age, disability, military status or other basis prohibited by law

What is Equal Employment Opportunity?


This is only available to nonexempt employees which are hourly and paraprofessional. The rest of you continue on as necessary!

What is overtime compensation?


State law entitles all employees to have 5 days of this paid per year.

What is Personal Leave?


The formal process provided to all employees for an opportunity to be heard up to the highest level of management if they are dissatisfied with an administrative response.

What is Grievance Process?

In the event of these employees must know the procedures and evacuation routes from their area of the building
What is an Emergency?

Our mighty leader and CEO

Who is Ashley Hedemann?


This is the mileage and expenditures that an employee is entitled to recieve if the supervisor and business manager give prior approval.

What is Travel Expense Reimbursement?

All employees earn 3 of these paid per school year, according to administrative regulations and it accumulates without limit.
What is Local Leave Days?

Prohibited by law, employee to employee, employee to student and student to employee

What is Discrimination and Harassment?


This is a red tube and is used to extinguish fires. Where are they located in Habitat offices and at the Restore? 

What is the kitchen and the NR Area? (add the restore locations)

These are permissable in the employee's desk, file cabinets and work areas and may occur at any time therefore there is no expectation of privacy in those places.
What are Alcohol and Drug Searches?
Industrial's group health insurance coverage, which is a statewide public school program.
What is TRS-ActiveCare?
Employees may become contributing members and may request use of this in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury that involves themselves or immediate family member.
What is Employee Sick Leave Bank (pool)?

As a general rule, never open links or download attachments from unknown senders. Emails from known senders that contain links or attachments without any context are also bad news.

What is phishing?


All accidents or injuries that occur in the course of your employment must be reported to a supervisor upon the occurrence, regardless of how minor the injury may appear.

What is reporting on the job accidents? 


This is required to be disclosed to an employee's immediate supervisor in the event that it creates a potential conflict of interest with assigned duties.

What is Disclosure of Outside Employment?


the joy that comes from interacting with students while earning funds for prom and senior trip

What is Class Sponsorship?


personal or family illness, emergency, death in the family, or active military service which usually allow for little to no advance planning

What is Nondiscretionary Leave?


Whenever a security update is released for your operating system, update it immediately. Consider this a basic tenet of information security.  

What is proactive security?


A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while holding and operating a handheld wireless telephone or an electronic wireless communications device unless it is specifically designed and configured to allow voice-operated and hands-free operation, and it is used in that manner while driving.

What is safe usage of a cell phone?

This is a process that focuses on continued job improvement in the employee's assigned responsibility and will be conducted by the assigned supervisor at least annually.
What is PDAS or Performance Evaluations?

Rick's favorite candy

What is Snicker bar?

taken at an employee's choice, events that are scheduled in advance
What is Discretionary Leave?

these are expected to enter through the main entrance, sign in and receive directions or will be escorted to their destinations

What are Visitors?


Habitat for Humanity GFA will provide shade & water for employees/volunteers when the outside temperature exceeds 80 degrees. Shade will also be provided upon request. We encourage employees to take a cool down rest in the shade for a period of no less than five minutes when they feel the need to do so to protect themselves from overheating. The recovery period must be taken in an area approved by your supervisor.

What is a recovery period?

Note: Recovery periods are counted as hours worked.
