Room Readiness
Emergencies and Procedures

Which posters should always be displayed in the classroom?

1. Hand washing

2. Diaper changing(if needed)


Health checks should be completed..

What is DAILY


The ratio for toddlers is..

What is 1:5


On your way out of the classroom during a fire drill, you should..

Double check there is no one left in the classroom then close the door. 


What items are in the first aid kit?

Disposable gloves, sterile gauze pads of various sizes, bandage tape, roller gauze, cold pack


Food should ALWAYS be stored in..

What is a sealed plastic container


The two emergency epinephrine autoinjectors with retractable needles are located..

What is behind the front desk


The ratio for the 2's class is 

What is 1:6


If an emergency requires an evacuation of the building, teachers will walk to...

Central Queens Y at 67-09 108th St. Forest Hills, NY 11375. If that location is unavailable, staff will relocate to Halsey Junior High School at 63-55 102nd St. Rego Park, N.Y 11374.


Process art is..

What is art that is child-directed, choice-driven, and celebrates the experience of discovery. In process art, the final product is always unique and the focus lies in the creation of the work, not the outcome. 


How should blocks be stored? 

Blocks should be stored so the ENTIRE SHAPE is displayed. 


Children should wash hands when.. ( at least 5 answers)

What is when hands are dirty, upon arrival, before and after toileting, before and after eating and when returning in from the outside.


The ratio for 3k is..

What is 1:10


The lockdown/shelter in procedures are 

1. Immediately check that all children are safely inside the classroom once notified that lockdown is in effect

2. Close classroom doors

3. Hide children away from windows and doors


What items should be in your emergency bag?

 First aid kit, blue cards, and class roster 


These items in the classroom should always be labeled 

(List at least 4)

What are cots, cubbies, shelves/baskets, and toys. 


How many fire extinguishers are in the center and where are they located?

What is 4 fire extinguishers

- across from the front entrance

- between room 102 and 103

-in the kitchen

-near the activity room


The ratio for 4k is..

What is 1:12


Lost Child Protocol (inside)

1. Notify the Director or Assistant Director

2. Assign a staff member to monitor other students in the class

3. All other staff should search all areas of the school

4. One staff member should be posted at the front entrance

5. If the child remains missing after a thorough search, parents and 911 should be called

6. When the child is found, an incident report should be completed and reported to the DOH


What technique does Kuei Luck use in the discipline policy?

What is the “Guidance Technique.” This technique allows teachers to intervene and assist children as they work through their problems. No child will ever be confined, constrained, or left unsupervised at any time. We do not use time outs in the traditional way. Developmentally, it is not appropriate for children this young to understand why they need to sit apart from their classmates for a specified period. However, it is okay to remove a child from a situation by saying, “You are having a hard time doing this. Let’s find something else for you to do.” Teachers should make sure the child is settled and involved before leaving the child. 


The temperature for your classroom refrigerator should be..

What is 38 degrees 


Name to face check should be conducted when..

(Hint: There are 6 transition points)

What is before leaving the building, once you arrive, 5 minutes after arrival, 20 minutes post-arrival, before you leave and once you’ve returned to the school.


Kuei Luck's ratio for outside trips is..

What is 1:2


What is our Lost Child Protocol (outside)

1. Secure the immediate area. Contact the director

2. Assign 2 adults to supervise the remaining children.

3. All other adults should divide the area and search for 15 minutes

4. If not found, contact 911

5. The search area should be expanded and searched for another 15 minutes

6. After 30 minutes, bring remaining students back to school while the lead teacher and director stay at the location to contact parents 

7. When the child is found, assess the child for injuries or need for care. If the child is not found, the teacher and director will follow instructions from police 

8. Report to DOH (director)


What are the primary and secondary exits for group 1 (101,102,103) and group 2 (104,105,106,107)

What is

Group 1- front door (primary) and storage room (secondary)

Group 2- activity room (primary) and door across from 107 (secondary)
