What is the universal sign for choking?
Hands around neck, can't talk, not coughing
Who are some people who can help you with addiction? (Name at least 2)
Trusted adults (parents, siblings, teachers), School Counselor, School Nurse, School Psychologist, Pupil Personnel, Worker, Doctor, Crisis Hotline
True or False: The majority of Americans get a good amount of fiber and potassium in their everyday diet.
True or False: Hanging out with friends or loved ones is not a way to help maintain one's social and emotional health.
False. Seeing loved ones or people that you care about is a great mechanism to help one maintain their social and emotional health.
What are boundaries?
Boundaries are what you feel comfortable with and are okay with doing. An example of a boundary might be that you will feel comfortable at a sleepover with another adult but not on your own.
Can physical bullying also be sexual assult?
Yes. In some cases, it can be.
What are some different ways that drugs are able to be delivered into the body? (Name at least 2)
Smoked/Inhaled, Snus, Chew, Snuff
Can eating grains help reduce the risk of heart disease?
Yes, it can.
Name a few ways to keep yourself mentally well.
Keeping active (Going on a jog, swimming, biking, skateboarding, hiking, etc), Hanging out with friends or family, Rest, Doing hobbies (gardening, dancing, painting, drawing, writing, etc.), etc.
What is emotional wellness? (Does not have to be exact statement written in answer to be shown. Just similar)
Emotional wellness is being well emotionally. This means that one is able to express their emotions freely and is able to handle times in stress without sinking into depression.
Why should one not make a blanket statement of "someone call the police" while dealing with an unconcious person?
There are 2 scenarios that could happen. The first one is that no one calls the police, as everyone thinks that someone else is calling them, or everyone calls the police and overwhelms the system.
How much nicotine does a juul have compared to a cigarette
As much as a 20 pack of cigars.
Name three things that protein does for one's body.
Works as a building block function for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood, enzymes, hormones, and vitamins.
Name at least 2 ways that you'll know if you have good emotional health.
Able to make decisions based on emotions. Able to work in groups or by yourself effectively. Able to build better relationships with people. Easier to manage stress. Have a healthy balance between work and personal time.
What does CPR stand for?
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
True or False: When doing CPR on someone, you should be careful not to push to hard, as to not damage their ribs.
False. Don't worry about the ribs. The doctors can fix that. What they can't fix, is a person's heart when it has stopped beating.
What is the fastest way that a drug can be delivered and cause a high?
Inhaled/Smoked products.
Name at least 3 foods that can give you calcium that don't have dairy.
Collard greens, Okra, Acorn squash, Broccoli, Sardines, Trout, and Blackeyed peas.
If one tends to get upset with themselves and say things like "I'll never be good enough" when they fail, is that a sign of good or bad emotional health.
Bad emotional health.
What is a non-infectious disease?
A non-infectious disease is a disease that cannot be spread to other people. These diseases are caused by genes most of the time.
True or False: If you touch someone while they are being given a shock, the shock could transfer to you as well.
True. You should never touch someone who is being given a shock for this reason.
Why is it so hard for people to quit doing drugs? (Does not have to be exact words in sentence yet to be shown. Just similar.)
The brain experiences physical changes as a result of the drug use and gets rewired to prioritize getting more of the drug, even if it causes physical, emotional, and financial harm.
Name at least 6 nutrients that dairy products give to the human body.
Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin D (in products fortified with vitamin D), Riboflavin, Vitamin B, Protein, Potassium, Zinc, Choline, Magnesium, Selenium
Can friends damage your emotional health?
Yes, they can. It's a sad thing to think about but if you find yourself feeling depressed around a friend or a group of friends, then you might wanna take a break from them.
What does RICE stand for? (Try and name what each of them is for as well)
Rest (the sprained area), Ice (The area to reduce pain), Compress (the area to reduce swelling), Elavate (the sprained area above heart level)