Did the Canadian government tell the Indigenous about the negotiations for Confederation?
What is; No, they weren't notified.
What does BNA stand for?
What is; British North America
What is Confederation, and when did it start?
What is; 1867, it is when the provinces of 'Canada' joined in negotiations to become one independent country.
Who was Louis Riel?
What is; A metis man who played a big role in the Red River Resistance.
When was Canada's Westward Expansion?
What is; 1867-70 (post and pre-confederation)
When did the Red River Resistance begin?
What is; 1869-70
Was the BNA founded, pre-confederation, post-confederation, or when confederation happened.
What is; BNA was founded when confederation happened, in 1867
Who were the original countries involved in Confederation?
What is; Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario.
Who was John. A. McDonald?
What is; He was the first prime minister of Canada, and played a huge role in Confederation, and the future establishment of the BNA.
Why did Canada Expand to the west?
What is; To get more access to the Pacific Ocean, Markets and resources, and more land for settlers, population etc.
What was the Red River Resistance?
What is; Louis Riel & Métis declared their own provincial government.
Who was the BNA act enacted by, HINT: BNA act is confederation
What is; British government/parliaments
After the first countries joined Confederation, who came after?
What is; PEI, Newfoundland, New Caledonia, Nunavut, NW territories, Yukon territories.
Who was George Cartier?
What is; He was in charge of Canada East (Quebec) and convinced his province to join in Confederation.
What is; Yes it did effect the Indigenous peoples way of life.
Why did the Canadian government exclude the Indigenous from the negotiations for Confederation?
What is; They thought that people of European decent were superior.
What province did the BNA merge when the Red River Resistance happened? HINT: It wasn't there before confederation
What is; Manitoba
What are 3 main reasons Confederation happened?
What is; ANY OF THE ABOVE: American Invasion, Political Deadlock, Inter-colonial railway system, More land, Money, Fenian Raids, Economics, Independence.
Who was George Brown?
What is; He also played a big role in confederation in making it possible, and was in The Coalition.
When was the Indian Act created?
What is; 1867
What happened to the Indigenous after Confederation?
What is; They were separated from the land
What was the Homestead Act the BNA created?
What is; In reaction to the largest land sale in the Homestead Act.
What were the results of Confederation, 1867?
What is; Democracy, Independence and the establishment of Government and our state as a federal country.
What role did President Abraham Lincoln play in the Homestead Act of 1862?
What is; He signed off on it.
What resulted in Canada's westward expansion?
What is; Railways were built, and Canada gained access to the Pacific ocean and many other goods.