A homeless person must be here after 10 pm according to Russian law
What is at home?
In Shrek, who voices Donkey
Who is Eddie Murphy?
This is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck
What is fish?
Americans do this 22 times a day
What is open a fridge?
He owns a solid gold bathtub
Who is Mike Tyson?
An aardvark has this many teeth
What is none?
Who coined the term, "Oh yeah huh"
Who is Danny?
Kiwi's originate from here
What is China?
What is a Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel
What is a condom?
This popular comedic actor who had his own show in the 90's has a masters in Electrical Engineering
Fortune cookies were invented here
What is San Francisco?
He's the only president born in Lasagna, Wyoming
Who is Garfield?
Who does not have a spice tolerance at all
Who is Jeremy?
It is illegal in Georgia to eat this with a fork
What is fried chicken?
He composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Who is Michael Jackson?
A place people live. Also a part of a type of sweatshirt
What is the hood?
Take me home, country roads
What is West Virginia?
Mountain Dew is mainly what
What is Orange Juice?
It is illegal in Minnesota to do this in bed
What is be naked?
This is Chuck Norris' first name
What is Carlos?
Who is Kelly?
When you hear the lyric "Never gonna give you up," what is it called
What is Rick-Rolling?
What is "So you're telling me, a shrimp fried this rice?"
This is banned in public spaces in Florida after 6 pm
What is farting?
What is Bruno Mars' real name
What is Peter Gene Hernandez?