Orange Chicken is popular at this fast-food restaurant chain.
Panda Express
This country only officially recognizes one time zone despite being one of the largest countries in the world.
True or False: The Top 11 Largest Malls are located in Asia
The term "Asia" originated from this country.
The largest film producer in India.
This dairy product known for its health benefits is thought to have originated in Mesopotamia.
The highest point in Asia is located on this Mountain.
Mount Everest
RSM InspirAsian's new National Leader
John Lee
In 1972, this country returned control of Okinawa to Japan.
United States
The basketball player behind the term "Linsanity"
Jeremy Lin
Tikki Masala is thought to have originated from this European country.
This city/region is known as "The Las Vegas of Asia."
This brand is a luxury vehicle division of Toyota.
This famous conqueror was the founder of the Mongol Emperor.
Genghis Khan
This actor took the lead role in 47 Ronin.
Keanu Reeves
Up to what percentage of South and East Asians are believed to be lactose intolerant. (Within 5)
This country has the largest Muslim population in the world, with approximately 225 million Muslims
Founder of Bitcoin.
Satoshi Nakamoto
The Ottoman Empire was founded in this modern-day country.
The number of children named "Olympic Games" since China first applied to host the Olympics. (Within 500)
Name two dishes/foods that were served at the Chinese New Year event for InspirAsian in the KC office.
Dumplings, Sesame Balls, Spring rolls, and Egg rolls
The border region where Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand meet has this 2-word nickname.
The Golden Triangle
The stock market index for the Tokyo Stock exchange.
Nikkei 225
In 1948 he was elected President of China but was driven from the mainland to Taiwan the next year.
Chiang Kai-shek
Karaoke is an integral part of this country's culture. You can typically find a karaoke machine in every household.
The Philippines