The droop in the tow line
What is catenary?
We use red lights instead of white lights at night to preserve this
What is night vision?
Use this knot to attach the towline to the yellow kicker hook line
What is a bowline?
What is Maritime Assistance Request Broadcast?
What is Very High Frequency
What is a bow eye/trailering eye?
This unit of measurement is typically used to define search leg lengths
What is a minute?
A reef knot is used to join two lines with this identical characteristic
What is diameter?
What is Global Positioning System
Channel 68 is monitored by these
What are marinas?
This method of towing, which involves running a line around the transom of the disabled vessel, can be used if no strongpoint exists on the vessel's bow
What is the bridle method?
The angular size of every turn in a sector search
What is a sheepshank?
Forward Looking InfraRed
This channel is used for DSC calls
Channel 70
The nearest safe haven for a vessel disabled at the fairway buoy
What is Turkey Point Marina?
This might happen if you look through stabilizing binoculars for too long
"one-two-loopdeedoo" is a made up variant to this knot
What is a Spanish bowline?
RAdio Detection and Ranging
The wattage that a VHF radio broadcasts at when in low power mode
What is 1W?
One method for ungrounding a sailboat with its keel stuck in rocks/sand/mud involves tying our tow line to this line on the sailboat and running it up the mast.
What is a halyard
A white light flashing at this frequency is considered a distress signal and would therefore be v notable if found while searching.
What is 50-70 flashes per minute?
If you tie a reef knot incorrectly by passing right-over-left twice (or left-over-right twice), you'll get this ugly knot.
What is a granny knot?
The make of our boat VHF radio