"pagar" en inglés....
to pay
cierto/falso: the stem-changing category you learned this lesson is e→i.
cierto/falso: Direct object pronouns (DOPs) replace direct objects
"Thank you very much" en español
muchas gracias
"ugly" y "the money" en español
explain what a "boot verb" is
it is a verb that as a spelling/stem change in all of the conjugations/forms within the "boot." All of the conjugations within the boot get the spelling/stem change, and those out of the "boot" do not.
how many DOPS are there in Spanish?
"to rest" y "but" en español
"descansar" y "pero"
name the 4 seasons in Spanish
la primavera, el verano, el otoño, el invierno
conjugate in all 5 forms in the Present tense in Spanish:
"to want"
quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quieren
which DOPS would you use in Spanish to replace the following:
the jackets, me, the dollar, some green hats
las, me, lo, los
"lazy," "small" "the man" en español
perezosa/o, pequeño/a, el hombre
"yellow," (f./s) "white," (m./pl.) "brown," (pl.) "orange," (m./s.) y "green" (pl.) en español
amarilla, blancos, marrones, anaranjado, verdes
conjugate in all 5 forms in the Present tense in Spanish:
-to understand
-to close
-entiendo, entiendes, entiende, entendemos, entienden
-cierro, cierras, cierra, cerramos, cierran
which DOPS would you use in Spanish to replace the following:
-the teachers and I, Maribel, the autumn, the classes, you (formal/singular/feminine,) the winter hats
-nos, la, lo, las, la, los
"the eraser," "the hall," "excited," "the watch," y "far from" en español
el borrador, el pasillo, emocionada/o, el reloj, lejos de
"new," (f./pl.) "the socks," "to wear," "to be right," "during," "the mall," "the price," the dress," y "the seasons" en español
nuevas, los calcetines, llevar, tener razóon, durante, el centro comercial, el precio, el vestido, las estaciones
we prefer, you (formal/singular) plan, I begin, she wants, you (plural) close, they think, you (informal/singular) understand
-preferimos, usted piensa, ella quiere, ustedes cierran, ellos piensan, entiendes
-Do you (informal/singular) have the jeans? -Yes, I have them
-Are you (plural) going to buy the t-shirt? -No, we are not going to buy it.
-¿Tienes los jeans? -Sí, los tengo
-¿Van a comprar la camiseta (ustedes)? -No, no vamos a comprarla/ No, no la vamos a comprar.
"500," "at night (with a time,)" "to take notes," "often," "which?," "nutritious," "1,000" y "almost" en español
quinientos, de la noche, tomar apuntes, muchas veces, cuál, nutritiva/o, mil, casi