What is the capital of Lebanon?
The only mammal that can fly is not a bird but a type of small rodent found in South America.
Flying squirrel
This is the heaviest planet in our solar system
This U.S. president gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The famous line "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country" was spoken by this U.S. president.
John F. Kennedy
What is the capital of Sri Lanka?
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (Administrative), Colombo (Commercial).
This animal can sleep for up to three years without eating, thanks to its ability to hibernate in extreme conditions.
Snail (specifically, the African land snail).
This is the hardest substance in the human body.
tooth enamel
This event in 1969 marked the first time humans landed on the Moon.
Apollo 11 mission
This British prime minister delivered the "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech during World War II.
Winston Churchill
Which capital city, named after a famous river, is situated in a country that has four official languages, including Luxembourgish?
Luxembourg City (Luxembourg)
This large bird is capable of running up to 60 mph and is the fastest-running bird on earth.
This is the number of bones in the human hand, including the fingers.
This Egyptian queen is famous for her alliances with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
"Give me liberty, or give me death!" was famously said by this revolutionary leader.
Patrick Henry
What is the capital of the only country in the world that has a non-rectangular flag, and is also known for its mix of Hinduism and Buddhism?
Kathmandu (Nepal)
This animal’s tail makes up about half of its length and is used for balance and communication.
The human cranium (skull) consists of how many bones that form the braincase?
The Cold War was a period of tension primarily between the United States and this country.
Soviet Union (USSR)
This U.S. president delivered the speech known as the "Second Inaugural Address," where he declared that "with malice toward none, with charity for all."
Abraham Lincoln
What is the capital of Romania, a country in Southeastern Europe known for its castles and Dracula legend?
This sea creature can regrow its limbs and is known for being the only species that can regenerate its entire body.
This part of the human body controls movement and coordination.
The Roman Empire officially ended in the year 476 AD with the fall of this city.
The "Freedom or Death" speech was delivered by this women's rights activist in 1913.
Emmeline Pankhurst