Alex Trebek
Jeopardy Facts
Basic Facts
Game Show Relatives
Trebek Gets Funny

Although he was an American Icon, Trebek was born in this Great White country.

What is Canada?


Players who do not win the game or end up in the red actually win $2000 for Second place, and Third place receives this amount.

What is "$1000?"


Alex Trebek's REAL first name.

What is "George?"


This music themed version of Jeopardy! ran on VH1 for four seasons between 1998 and 2001.

What is "Rock and Roll Jeopardy!"?


Trebek responded that "he might not agree that any of the correct responses are correct" when asked how he thought this president would to on "Jeopardy!"

Who is "Donald Trump?"


Trebek began hosting this quiz gameshow in 1984.

What is "Jeopardy?"


There are five banned amounts to wage on the show, which include $14, $88, and $1488, due to their white supremacist connotations, but also $69 and this three digit number, often associated with "the Devil."

What is "$666?"


Trebek claims to own at least 100 of these clothing items.

What is "a suit?"


This spin-off version of Jeopardy! was focused on sports facts and was NEVER released on television.

What is "Sports Jeopardy!"?


Trebek once opend a Tournament of Champions without wearing this essential clothing item.

What are "his pants?"


The two languages fluently spoken by Alex Trebek

What are French and English?

The show's theme song was original supposed to be this type of song, which is designed to put babies to sleep. 

What is a "lullaby?"


Alex Trebek shaved this iconic thing from his face in 2001 in the middle of the day, by himself, and without warning to the 'Jeopardy!' producers, because he "just felt like it."

What is "his mustache?"


This non-Jeopardy! themed show is considered the "sister show" of Jeopardy, and it shares the same creator, and airs alongside Jeopardy!

What is "Wheel of Fortune?"


This actor played Alex Trebek for the sketches of "Celebrity Jeopardy!" on Saturday Night Live.

Who is "Will Ferrell?"


Trebek was a host for this CBC tv show starting in 1963; it was Canada's version of American Bandstand. 

What is "Music Hop?"


This man is the original creator of Jeopardy!

Who is "Merv Griffin?"



This is Alex Trebek's favorite category in "Jeopardy!"

What is "geography?"


This spin-off of Jeopardy featured child contestants between the ages of 10 and 12, and ran on the Game Show Network and then the Discovery Channel until 2004.

What is "Jep!"


SNL's sketches involving Jeopardy often included Darrel Hammond playing this iconic celebrity, who often mispronounced categories, drew rude pictures, and generally made fun of the SNL version of Alex Trebek.

Who is "Sean Connery?"


Trebek was sent to boarding school and military college to attempt to curb his rebellious streak, but dropped out when he refused to do this.

What is "cut his hair?"


The first commercial break of Jeopardy! is used by Alex Trebek (host) and Johnny Gilbert (the announcer) to do this on tape.

What is "re-record any errors, stutters, mispronunciations, or coughs?"


This is the name of the "Jeopardy!" theme song.

What is "Think!"?


This version of Jeopardy! includes the games three highest money winners, Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter, and James Holzhauer, to compete in a series of matches. The first contestant to win three would receive $1 million and the title also associated with the show.

What is "Jeopardy! The Greatest of All Time?"


Trebek has been recorded joking that he knows all the answers to the "Jeopardy!" questions because of THIS reason.

What is "they are written on the back of the card/paper in front of him?"
