While somewhat controversial, many career experts believe this is a vital starting point for an effective resume.
An objective. (A clearly worded, specific objective tells a recruiter exactly what you are looking for.)
Name two job search websites
Sending this is considered best practice following an interview.
Thank you card/email
Along with your resume, this should be included when applying for a job - it's your sales pitch.
A cover letter. (Each letter should be written for a specific employer
Some jobs want to see this item, which is composed of things like your resume, work samples, cover letter, references.
It is important to get one of these at the end of an interview so you have all the correct contact information for the employer.
Business Card
It is the recommended number of pages for an effective resume.
One (and almost never more than two)
When picking up a paper application - you should ask for this many.
True or false: all jobs are advertised.
This is the number one reason for termination (being fired)
Personality Conflicts
You will want to prepare several of these before your interview.
A surname means this.
Your last name.
This is what someone is called who can speak well on your behalf.
A reference
This is when you schedule time to meet with an employer and ask them questions about their company, what skills they look for in their employees, what the work atmosphere is like, etc.
An informational interview
Give 2 examples of topics that you should avoid talking about during an interview.
Family Personal Issues Politics Bad mouthing past employers Religion Salary
True or false: you should list your references without asking them for permission and support.
If a question on a job application does not apply to you, this is how you should fill in the space.
Put n/a (not applicable) in the space. This shows that you saw the question.
Using the internet, business journals, resource books, magazines, etc. to research companies you might be interested in working for is called this.
A few days after submitting your cover letter, resume, and/or job application, it is important to do this.
Follow up with the employer, either with a phone call, e-mail, or in person.