This rule, according to Joe, means everyone should focus on one person.
What is "It's all about me"?
Joe graduated from Penn State this year, marking the end of his time as a student and the start of his time as an alumni.
What is 1988?
Like his father before him, Joe creates this elaborate display in December.
What is a Christmas train set?
When Joe sits down to a book, it usually involves this genre which is his favorite subject.
What is history?
Joe was born in a city in Pennsylvania, famously known for a devastating flood in 1889.
What is Johnstown, Pennsylvania?
Joe believes this is the key to making something acceptable, even if it might be a little out there.
What is "If it’s funny, it’s OK"?
While at Penn State, Joe was the president of this fraternity, known for its brotherhood and traditions.
What is Kappa Sigma?
Joe’s tinkering skills are evident in his love for this hobby.
What is woodworking?
Joe has a particular fondness for this type and brand of hot beverage in the morning.
What is Folgers instant coffee?
Joe met his wife, Barbara, while they were both enrolled in this program.
What is Officer Indoctrination School?
According to Joe's rule, you better not make this kind of remark about something that's near and dear to him.
What is "No derogatory remarks about Penn State or Joe Paterno"?
Joe famously drove an RV to this game with his fraternity brothers, making a memorable road trip to support the team.
What is the Fiesta Bowl?
Joe is known for preparing this food item, which involves perfect portion, ingredients, and process.
What are breakfast sandwiches?
While at home, if you can’t find Joe, he is usually here, tinkering.
What is Joe’s workshop?
Joe’s first duty station as a U.S. Navy Officer was at this military base in North Carolina, home to the Marine Corps.
What is Camp Lejeune?
Joe claims he holds this title, implying he’s more skilled at this role than most others.
What is "I am a better woman than most"?
Joe participated in a creative Greek Week performance, playing a character from this classic holiday story.
What is "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"?
Joe's faith and dedication to his community are shown through this role during mass.
What is a Eucharistic Minister?
This 1987 film, which Joe often quotes, features a famous line: "Inconceivable!
What is The Princess Bride?
In February of this year, Joe and Barbara were married by a Justice of the Peace in Virginia Beach.
What is 1992?
Joe's famous rules aren’t just in his head - they’re written down, which he proudly displayed for all to see.
What is "Joe’s shirt"?
While in Texas, after Penn State victories, Joe would engage in what activity, with his two daughters?
What is “parading down the street with a penn state flag?”
In high school, Joe’s football team had a chance to be in this movie starring Tom Cruise, where Joe played on the opposing team.
What is All the Right Moves?
At Christmas time, Joe must watch this classic movie.
What is A Christmas Story?
Joe will take on this new role for the first time later this year.
What is grandfather?