This person Walked with God
Who is Noah
It is from the true and living God. He has brought this storm. Because of me i am a Hebrew and i fear Jehovah
Answer: What is The Story of Jonah- A lesson in Courage and Mercy (11:41)
Who is Jonah
This superhuman never cut his hair
Who is Samson
This song makes you FEEL good.
This person lived in Midian for 40 years
Who was Moses
"Uncle we have a really important religious observance tonight. I did everything you asked me to do for the showing but I have to leave now"
Answer: What is Remember the Wife of Lot - Part 3 (29:53)
Who is Gloria
These demigods drowned during the great flood
Who were the Nephilim
A summary of Jehovah's qualities, in one song
Jehovah's Attributes
Moses' Mother
Who is Jochebed
While I'm struggling to stay on the cramp road of life you are running on the wide and spacious with dreams of being a corporate big shot
Answer: What is the Prodigal Returns (25:45
Who is James
This Prophet in his old age gained superspeed and outran King Ahab's royal chariot.
Who is Elijah
This Original song makes you use your IMAGINATION
Imagine The Time
Jesus a descendant of this tribe
What is Judah
When we put Jehovah first we don't need many material things. All we Really need is our spoon and bowl
Answer: What is Young people ask - what will i do with my life (31:02)
Who is Bro Flyslip
This man prayed for the Sun and moon to freeze, and so it did.
Who is Joshua
The First Song added to the original 135 "Sing to Jehovah" songs
The Mother of Samuel
Who is Hannah
The theme of this Sister's skit was, Suffering Loss
Young People Ask- How Can I Make Real Friends
Jehovah answered this mans prayer by making shadows move in reverse
Who is King Hezekiah
This Original Song was sung around the globe at the 2018 Convention
Give Me Courage