What is a Complete Blood Count (CBC)?
- determines the number and type of blood cells present
What is vaccinations?
- medicines which contain weakened or dead bacteria and/or viruses which are injected into an animal to allow their body to create antibodies against the disease
What is abnormal behavior?
- acting differently from normal or typical behavior
What is a chute?
- form of restraint used for cattle
What does platelets do?
- thrombocytes are responsible for clotting and increase with injury
What is blood?
- specialized bodily fluid which performs many primary functions, including transportation, protection and regulation
What is occlude?
- to close, shut or stop
What is the device called that distracts horses during exams or procedures?
- Twitch
What is stocks?
- form of restraint used for horses
What is blood clotting?
- prevents bleeding when blood vessel is injured
What is it called when it's a liquid portion of blood?
- Plasma
What is the part of the syringe which holds the medicine called?
- Syringe barrel
What is a muzzle?
- guard or strap which is fitted over an animal's nose and jaw to prevent biting
What is a net used for?
- used for fractious cats or wild animals
What is a hemoglobin?
- carries oxygen to the red blood cells and helps move them to other tissues
What is red blood cells?
- erythrocytes which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
What is a Syringe needle?
- Mechanism through which the fluid is injected into the animal
What is adverse behavior?
- behavior which is preventive or harmful
What is a control pole used for?
- device used for very aggressive dogs
What is a polycythemia?
- decreased blood flow
What defends the body from invading organisms?
- White blood cells
What is a Syringe plunger?
- placed tightly inside the barrel of the syringe, allows the applicator to push the medication through the syringe
What is a halter?
- form of restraint used to control large animals
What is a slip lead?
- rope or tether
What is the number of red blood cells in a unit volume of blood called?
- red count