Political Geography
Physical Geography
Economic Geography
Cultural Geography
Weaving it Together
This is the largest nation found in Latin America in terms of land size, economy size, and population size.
What is Brazil?
The major mountain range that runs like a spine on the western side of South America.
What are the Andes Mountains?
This term refers to when individuals or families only grow enough food to sustain that individual or family. They do not grow more than they need which could then be sold at market, largely due to the lack of land ownership in Latin America.
What is subsistence farming?
The original inhabitants of Latin America, also known as _________________________, have had a major influence on modern day culture. The ruins of their once great civilizations dot the cultural landscape of Central and South America.
Who are the Native Americans?
This capital city of Mexico is best known for its widespread pollution. One day of breathing the air in this city in the 1980s was like smoking two packs of cigarettes. Although major efforts have been made to clean up this city with programs like Day Without A Car (literally you can't drive on Saturdays and one other week day), solving the issue of pollution is a major challenge in this city.
What is Mexico City?
This nation, found directly South of the United States, has experienced a lot of political and social turmoil (unrest) over the past few years, largely fueled by its war on the illegal sale and production of drugs.
What is Mexico?
Also known as the "lungs of the world," this major physical characteristic is home to the most diverse population of life on the planet. It is largely centered in Brazil, but it also spills into neighboring Peru, Venezuela, and Colombia. This physical characteristic is threatened by deforestation and slash-and-burn agriculture.
What is the Amazon Rain Forest?
This method of land clearing threatens the Amazon Rain Forest and is of great concern to a growing nation like Brazil. On one hand, the land that is cleared and made available to develop is crucial for the continued growth of Brazil. On the other, the Amazon Rain Forest is one of the most precious natural resources on planet Earth and desperately needs to be protected.
What is Slash-and-Burn Agriculture?
More so an influence in the Caribbean, people forcibly brought from this continent to work the plantations of Latin America, especially those found in the Caribbean, have had a profound influence in shaping the culture of Latin America.
What is Africa?
Home to the renowned super-sized statue called Christ the Redeemer (literally a 98 foot tall statue of Jesus), this city will play host to the 2016 Summer Olympics and was also the host of the 2014 World Cup. This is also the largest city found in Brazil.
What is Rio de Janeiro?
This island nation, found in the Greater Antilles, happens to also be a territory of the United States. Its name literally means Rich Port in Spanish and has been a major benefit to the United States due to its strategic location in the Caribbean Sea.
What is Puerto Rico?
The main climate zone found throughout Latin America. Hint - this is the usual climate found around the equator.
What is Tropical?
This Latin American nation, although technically found on the North American continent, is more closely aligned culturally to the nations of Central and South America. However, this Latin American nation forged an economic alliance known as the North American Free Trade Agreement with the nations of Canada and the United States.
What is Mexico?
Although an entirely different world, it is impossible to separate the colonial past of Latin America from the modern-day. The colonization of Latin America by this region of the world can still be seen through the languages, religion, and governments of Latin America.
What is Europe?
This majority language spoken in Latin America happens to also be the native language of Spain, the major European nation that colonized much of Latin America.
What is Spanish?
This Latin American nation stands apart from the rest of Latin America due its main language being Portuguese. This nation is also going to host the 2016 Olympics.
What is Brazil?
Another major characteristic of the Latin American region is the varying climates found at different elevations. This term refers to the drastic change in climate as elevation changes - resulting in vastly different vegetation/crops and animals and heavily influences those who live in each zone. It is divided into three zones - tierra caliente (hot land), tierra templada (temperate/mild land), and tierra fria (cold land).
What is Vertical Zonation?
Although this Latin American nation is rich in natural resources, the majority of its people live in deep poverty - a result of years of government corruption and mismanagement as well as most industries being owned by foreign nations. This nation reflects a common theme across Latin America - a disparity of income distribution and quality of life. This landlocked nation is found in central South America.
What is Bolivia?
War, poverty, lack of healthcare, and widespread violence are all examples of this geographic term that causes out-migration or emigration - when people leave a nation. These factors are highly characteristic of Latin America, which is plagued by violence, lack of quality healthcare, and widespread poverty. Although a major tourist destination of both Europe and the United States, quality of life has not drastically improved for Latin America due these factors.
What is a push-factor?
This ancient city of the Inca Empire is found in Peru. It is now understood that it was used as a 'vacation palace' for the Inca emperor. It is the most visited tourist site in Latin America and restoring and protecting it is a major concern to both the Peruvian government and the international community.
What is Machu Picchu?
This Latin American nation was the center of one of the great Native American empires - the Incans. It is home to Machu Pichu, one of UNESCO's World Heritage Site. You may also think of a llama when you reference this nation.
What is Peru?
This major mountain chain is primarily located in Mexico.
What are the Sierra Madres?
Many nations in Latin America are part of an international cartel called OPEC. Latin America is home to an abundance of ____________ which is crucial for all developed nations of the world. This natural resource is pumped from deep underground and then converted to usable products all over the world. Nations rich in this resource include Ecuador, Venezuela, and Mexico.
What is oil?
A partial result of the growth of the Roman Catholic Religion in Latin America, many nations like Brazil are experiencing this major economic, political, and social challenge. With low access to modern medical technologies like birth-control, this challenge has led to the rise of squatter settlements, widespread poverty, and megacities.
What is rapid population growth?
This ancient Mayan city is located deep in the rainforest of Guatemala. It is characterized by steep pyramids and was one of the greatest cities in the Mayan Empire, home to around 90,000 people and a dominant force in ancient culture, politics, and economics in Latin America. Additionally, this city has been featured in many Hollywood films, most notably in Episode IV of Star Wars.
What is Tikal?