Spelt Wrong in Britain
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Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilburt du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette, known in the United States as Lafayette, was a French nobleman, comedian and military officer who volunteered to join the Continental Army, led by General George Washington, in this American war

What is the American Revolution?


Up to 5.5 of this thing that is used more and spelled differently in the U.K. compared to the U.S. can measure up to the tallest giraffe

What is a metre?


Kurtit and yjite were such good friends they made this whole recorded round about it!

What is Inseparable?


in NBA 2K17, your custom characters play this sport

What is basketball?


This mnemonic for the order of operations does not account for the fact that A and S are to be done left-to-right instead of in perfect mnemonic order

What is PEMDAS?


Lafayette College is located in this U.S. state where someone once pranked a famous bell

What is Pennsylvania?


The U.S. and U.K. can't agree if this should be spelled with an 'a' or an 'e' the same way it can't agree if it's more black or more white!

What is grey?


Both holding an impressive UHC resume on their own, in Laura Morett Season 3 they both made their way to the Final 4 before one of them turned on the other

Who are Sugarpuffzz and Ilikepie212_123?


These guys love playing Baseball, Bowling, Tennis, Boxing and Golf, as well as driving around the parking lot of Coconut Mall

What are Miis?


the adjective that the a's in sohcahtoa stand for

What is adjacent?


Eptymologically speaking, the name Lafayette or La Fayette comes from a romance language and means a forest of these types of trees which are a homonym for a sandy place where you can go swimming or tell jokes

What is beech?


Looking at the flag of the United Kingdom, it is apparent that they have the same three national these as the U.S. does

What are colours?


these two lovers of all things cave won Story Season 4, and then won Story Season 5!

Who are TuxedoPenguin and Renegade_?


This feature on Snapchat that allows you to create a personalized emoji to represent yourself (Question written by My AI)

What is Bitmoji?


HOMES represents the first letter of all of these as well as what they are to the walleyes and sturgeons living inside them

What are the Great Lakes?


Lafayette Square is a public park in this capital. LOL!

What is Washington DC?


This past tense form of this word already seen in this category has a different past tense form in U.S. versus the U.K. in a way that quelled doesn't

What is spelt?


Perhaps the most recognizable Australian duo pre-Jacqui and Henry, these 2 organized TBA UHC and are responsible for the Penguin flair on /r/ultrahardcore

Who are Conflictt and Dylarno?


"Hey you, you're finally awake" says Ralof to your Nord, Imperial or Redguard in this game playable on many modern consoles

What is Skyrim/


The proper term, including the bird word modifying it, for the clockwise order of the four things you can remember by the mnemonic Never Eat Soggy Waffles

What are the cardinal directions?


Being serious for a second, this 925-acre site holds 1.4 billion US gallons of water as a standby water supply for those living in the East Bay of San Francisco

What is Lafayette Resevoir?


The plural of this word corresponding to the amount of buttons in an elevator has a different ending in U.K. English, -eys, compared to U.S. English's -ies

What is a storey?

Burning and LongaVita had this pirate-themed team name in Risk and Reward Season 5, Risk of Pain, where Burning got his first kill

What is Arrrr and Arrrr?


A Memoji is an avatar character used in products by this company that shares its name with a type of fruit

What is Apple?


My 8th grade teacher of this staple class taught us the mnemonics Even Green Bay Dropped Favre and Green Bay Dropped Favre Again to help us remember some of the curriculum 

What is Music?
