What flower is the emblem of England?
It's the rose.
What is the name of the protestant religion created in 1534?
It's the Church of England.
What's the English for "un mandat" and "un citoyen"?
a term and a citizen
What are the two main political parties in the USA?
The Democrats and the Republicans.
How many countries are there in the United Kingdom? Can you name them?
There are 4.
Can you give the name of the king who created the new protestant religion?
It's King Henry VIII.
What's the English for " un chardon" and " un trèfle"?
A thistle and a shamrock.
What is the animal symbol of the Republican party?
It's the elephant.
What is the vegetable emblem of Wales?
It's the leek.
Were the conspirators who wanted to kill the king protestant or catholic?
They were catholic.
What's the English for "exploser", "parlement" and "épée"?
to blow up, a parliament, a sword.
What is the animal symbol of the Democratic party?
It is the donkey.
What is the emblem of the USA?
It's the bald eagle.
Which king did Guy Fawkes and his friends want to kill?
They wanted to kill James I.
Wht's the English for "imposant", "travailleur" and "puissant"?
imposing, hardworking, powerful.
How long is a US president elected for?
He/ she is elected for 4 years.
What are the names of the 5 boroughs in New York City?
When do British people celebrate the Gunpowder Plot?
What's the English for "une urne", "un bureau de vote" and "une loi"?
a ballot box, a polling station, a law
What day of the week do the Americans vote?
They always vote on a Tuesday. The election always takes place on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November. (even-numbered years)