This ex-pro player is known to have several encounter with game issues.
What is Sneaky? Bug Catcher
This popular modded Warcraft game planted the seed which lead to the creation of League of Legends.
What is Dota?
This song is played after a best of five series reaches the last game.
What is Silver Scrapes?
This AoE ultimate ability deals massive damage to the three nearest champions.
What is Katarina R?
This term is often used when a player is proficient at dodging skill shots.
What is fancy(happy) feet?
This champion is known to unleash incredible power after multiple ends of his life.
What is Yasuo?
This old champion underwent several full reworks.
What is Ryze?
The song for this World Championship saw the loss and tears of the greatest player who ever lived.
What is Legends Never Die?
This shield protects an ally and explodes dealing damage to enemies while shaking vigorously.
What is Ivern E?
This term of ability/skill activates the max amount of grievous wounds from Thornmail.
What is (immobilizing)crowd control?
After this player was suspected of elo-boosting in NA, he was suspended and continued playing in the LPL soon after his suspension ended.
What is XiaoWeiXiao? No Ragrets
This year saw the rise of tanks in every support-considered role.
What is 2017?
The music video for this song showcases some of the greatest moments in League of Legends history.
What is Ignite?
This empowered auto-attacking ability can be considered the fastest way to activate Press The Attack.
What is Pantheon W?
This champion life's could be prolonged by use of a summoner spell.
What is Zac?
The proper order to maximize damage with his abilities in the shortest time possible for full build/max life Ryze is considered to be this.
What is Q, E, Q, W, Q, E, Q?