True or False
Career Paths
Define a gap year

A semester or year of experiential learning, typically taken after high school and prior to career or post-secondary education, in order to deepen one's practical, professional, and personal awareness. This may look like traveling, an internship, community service, a mission trip, or other options


Only jobs in the church or ministry allow you the opportunity to serve and glorify God through your work.

False. You can be a Christ-like light in the world at ANY job, in any place. 


Fill in the blank. Gap years are focused on _____ discovery, not college credit.



Fill in the blank. 

Being rooted in Christ is a fundamental  _____ to finding God's will for your career. You will not be ready or able to find the career path He has designed you for unless you are seeking Him first.


(Principle #1 for inviting God into your decision-making process.)


Name the capital of California



Define trade school

Allows students to learn basic professional skills in two years or less; typically cut out many of the general courses required by traditional universitiesAnother definition: Also called a vocational school or technical school or career school--defined as a specialized educational institution that focuses on training for a specific job. Trade schools are focused on quickly preparing students to enter the workforce in a skilled trade, typically in the shortest amount of time as possible.


There are jobs that will pay for your schooling, while you're in school

True--this is called tuition assistance or tuition reimbursement. Available to part time and full time students. Job examples include Chipotle, Starbucks, Verizon, UPS, and others.


What's the difference between a two-year college and a community college?

Two year degrees are earned at community colleges, 4 year degrees are earned at universities, colleges, or conservatories.


True or false:

Living out God's will for your career and life will require that you take risks.


God doesn't call us to risk-free living, because we wouldn't need to develop our "faith muscles." 

The typical way God works is to impress upon our hearts and minds a need, a cause, an issue or an interest that we develop a desire to do something about, and then to lead us one step at a time. Jesus' call to His disciples was for them to follow Him, and become fishers of men. They had no idea what was in store for them!

(Principle #4 for inviting God into your decision-making process.)


Name the artist or song
If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy
And I can take you for a ride
I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm
Where the music don't stop for life

Dua Lipa, Levitating


What does it mean to enter the work force after high school?

Securing a job with a high school diploma, whether to save $ towards college, use the time to think about pursuing college, trade school, or another path.


There are thousands of trade school job options

True--thousands! You can find something that you can enjoy and support your goals.


Name 1 qualification for joining the military

Acceptable answers:

-Age 17-39 as a first time enlist (depending on the branch, age may be younger, but 17 is minimum)

-US resident, resident card, fluent in English

-Take the armed services aptitude test, which determines which branches you                               qualify for
-Health and fitness test called the military entrance exam--physical exam, hearing/vision test and height/weight measurements


Explain what this statement means:

Being a Christian does not exempt us from the responsibility to become wise decision makers.


It is your responsibility to use your God-given mind to learn how to make good career decisions. Example--If you wanted to buy a computer, most likely you wouldn't pray about it and then just walk into a computer super-store and see which computer you felt "led" to buy! 

Prayer is a part of the process, but God expects us to do our part in making wise decisions, as well. Learning how to make decisions is a part of developing wisdom and maturity, both of which God desires for us.           

(Principle #3 in inviting God into picking a path)


Which of these famous people that took a gap year
A. The Beatles
B. Hugh Jackman
C. Malia Obama
D. All of the above

D--all of the above. The Beatles might not be The Beatles had they not taken their gap year--that's when they met.


Define the college/university path

Pursuing a two year associates or 4 year bachelors degree. 


The most common reasons why students attend college these days is for the opportunity to travel and study abroad.

False--most common reasons are for an increased income and a boost to the resume.


Name 1 advantage for joining the workforce after high school.

Acceptable answers:

-Earning money
-Gain life experience
-Gain independence
-More time to think about your future career
-More time to decide if college is for you


Be aware of some of the warning signs that your career (or prospective career) may interfere with your relationship with Christ.   

Name 1 warning sign

Acceptable answers:

-A job requires you to act in unethical or immoral ways such as not revealing certain information about a product or service to a prospective customer

-A job requires or encourages/rewards you to spend so much time at work that you have little time for anything else including your friends and family, your quiet times with the Lord, church

-A job tempts you to become prideful, greedy, manipulative

As Jesus says, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" (Matthew 16:26).


How old is the oldest person alive today?
A. 118 y/o
B. 108 y/o
C. 121 y/o

A. 118 years old--4 years shy of breaking the world record of 122. His name is Kane Tanaka and she lives in Japan.


List the 6 branches of the military

Air Force
​Coast Guard                                                             Marine Corps                                                             Navy      

Space Force


The academic and financial choices you make in the next few years will affect the next 40 years of your life

True--choose wisely! The path you choose after high school will impact the rest of your life. Be encouraged with the lessons we're learning to make an informed decision and to invite God into your decision making.


A formal, specialized education for students who want to major in the visual or performing arts (theater, dance, acting, music, etc.)

Conservatory. These students have 3 options--music or art conservatory, a university or liberal arts college with a strong arts department, or a university with its own conservatory.

Caleb, Skye, and anyone else interested in entertainment--this is you!


What does the following verses have to do with choosing a career path?

You are God's handiwork. He created your inmost being, and knit you together in your mother's womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:13-14). 

You have been given work-related gifts that have been chosen specifically for you (Romans 12:6-8).

God desires for you to use the gifts He has given you. 

To make good career decisions you must have a thorough knowledge of your personality, skills and abilities, interests and values. Without this knowledge, you are not fully equipped to make good career decisions.

(Principle #2 for inviting God into your decision-making process.)


Spell our youth director Sierra's last name

