the first block you mine in minecraft
What is wood
who is werid
What is Julio
red ninja
What is kai
Curses a lot!!!!!!!!!!
What is jayna who curses a lot!!!!!!!!!!
black but is racist
The most known mob
What is zomble
sits by devin on b days
What is jaden
green ninja who was evil
what is Lloyd
cant type in group chat that is furry
What is nate
Sends racist and non racist memes
What is Cj
The place to beat the game
What is end
Does not talk
What is daniel
Master of the ninja´s
What is master wu
owns slides
What is carson
Lives next to him
What is Zion
go to trade
What is village
Gray Hair
What is jude
Blue ninja
What is jay
Guy who types a lot of memes
What is julio
Guy that says hes racist
What is Felipe
What is netheir
Is bad kid and smart
What is Jayna
how many ninjas
What is 6
Kobe Bryant
What is the guy named kolby in the group chat
who two watches Hamilton the most
What is Alondra and Isabella