This is the first point of the Scout Law, followed by Loyal and Helpful.
What is Trustworthy?
This knot is commonly used to join two ropes of equal size together.
What is a square knot?
Before setting up a tent, a Scout should check for these three things on the ground: flatness, dryness, and the absence of these.
What are sharp objects?
When treating a minor cut, the first step is to clean it with this.
What is soap and water?
The first rank a new Scout earns after joining a troop.
What is Scout?
In the Scout Oath, a Scout promises to do their duty to this and their country.
What is God?
When securing a rope to a tree or a post, a Scout would use this simple knot.
What is two half-hitches?
Fire needs three essential elements to burn: heat, oxygen, and this.
What is fuel?
If a friend has a nosebleed, they should lean forward and do this for a few minutes.
What is pinch their nostrils?
After earning the Scout rank, this is the next rank on the trail to Eagle.
What is Tenderfoot?
The Outdoor Code encourages Scouts to be clean in their outdoor manners, careful with fire, considerate in the outdoors, and to follow this final principle.
What is "Be conservation-minded"?
This adjustable hitch is useful for tightening a tent guyline.
What is a taut-line hitch?
To follow Leave No Trace principles, Scouts should always carry these two items for waste disposal in the backcountry.
What are a trash bag and a trowel?
If someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, you should move them to shade, give them water, and do this to help them cool down.
What is apply a wet cloth to their skin?
In a Scoutmaster conference, a Scout must review their progress before this final step in rank advancement.
What is a board of review?
There are twelve points in the Scout Law, including Obedient, Brave, and Cheerful. Name three others.
What are any three of: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Thrifty, Clean, Reverent?
When building a tripod for a camp gadget, a Scout should use this type of lashing.
What is a tripod lashing?
A properly built campfire starts with one of these three classic fire lays: teepee, log cabin, or this.
What is a lean-to?
When treating a sprain or strain, Scouts should follow this four-letter acronym.
What is R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)?
A Scout must complete at least three requirements from this program area to earn First Class rank.
What is the Citizenship section?
The Scout Oath is built on three main promises: duty to God and country, duty to others, and this final duty.
What is duty to self?
Pioneering projects often require two essential lashings: square lashing and this lashing, which is used to bind two poles together at an angle.
What is a sheer lashing?
A Scout should always carry these four of the ten essentials to be properly prepared for a hike.
What are a map, compass, flashlight, and first aid kit? (Other valid answers: knife, extra food, extra water, rain gear, fire starter, sun protection.)
Before helping in an emergency, the first step a Scout should take is to do this.
What is check the scene for safety?
After earning First Class, a Scout begins working toward these next two ranks, which require merit badges and leadership roles.
What are Star and Life?